Posts in Conditions
Feeding the Autistic Brain

Welcome to my new series highlighting nutritional guidelines for specific conditions.

We all know that certain foods are better for us than others, but when dealing with a learning disability, neurological disorder, mental health issue, or other condition, consuming the right foods while avoiding certain others can have a huge impact on outcome.

This week, we start with autism and what to feed the autistic brain. Read on to discover some do’s and don’ts when feeding autism and why certain foods can have a huge impact on daily life.

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Your Guide to the Difference Between Going Paleo, Keto, or Pegan

Paleo, keto and pegan are three of the hottest diets right now and are continuing to gain traction. But what do they entail and what are the differences between them?

Learn the basic tenants of each diet in this week’s blog post to help you decide if any one of them is the right fit for you.

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How Diabetes Affects your Brain and Memory

Do you have diabetes? Pre-diabetes? Higher than normal blood sugar levels?

Are you experiencing memory problems or showing signs of dementia?

Did you know that the two are connected?

Most people are aware that diabetes is a serious condition that requires care and monitoring. If left untreated or uncontrolled, serious consequences can result.

But did you know that diabetes can also affect your memory? In fact, if you have diabetes, you have an increased risk for developing not only memory problems, but dementia and Alzheimer’s, as well.

Keep reading to discover how diabetes affects your brain and what you can do about it.

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Soda and Brain Health: Everything you Need to Know

For those of you who prefer a can of soda in the morning to rev up your engine, or for those of you who down a soda to get yourself through the mid-afternoon slump, this blog post is for you!

Read on to discover if soda is bad for your brain and if diet soda is any better.

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Eat Smart: A Delicious Way to Optimize Academic Performance

Are you tired of falling behind in school and constantly burning the midnight oil? Would you like to improve your concentration in class and maintain better focus when studying? Would you like to learn how best to fuel your brain so that it will perform better than ever? Are you ready to start the school year feeling better than ever before?

If so, read on because proper neuronutrition can make all the difference - to optimize brain function and improve academic performance!

And if you’re not a student, this blog can help you, too! The principles within can certainly be applied to everyone in all walks of life - high school students, those in elementary school, and even adults who’d like to perform better at work and in life.

Your brain is your most valuable asset, and feeding it well is a great insurance policy!

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Green Tea vs. Black Tea: Health Benefits that May Surprise You

Today, we’re talking tea!

Tea boasts some great health benefits - which is why we have been drinking it for thousands of years. Its antioxidant abilities make it heart-healthy, brain-friendly and can reduce our risk of developing certain cancers and diabetes.

But, does the type of tea matter? Is green tea that much healthier than black tea? And what difference does adding milk and/or sweeteners do to it?

In today’s blog post, I give you the goods on green tea vs. black tea. And the healthiest way to drink your tea.

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8 Amazing Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes and a Recipe

Ever wonder what makes a sweet potato sweet? Curious if sweet potatoes are healthy?

Have you been on the hunt for a sweet potato fry recipe that isn’t soggy or disappointing?

Wonder no longer and look no further! Check out this week’s blog post to discover more!

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The Surprising Truth about Carbs: Friend or Foe?

Carbohydrates. Are they really the enemy?

Carbs have been demonized as of late. After all, they are largely to blame for the world’s obesity epidemic and the multitude of health problems that follow.

But are all crabs created equal?

Read this week’s post to discover the truth about carbohydrates before you swear off this misunderstood food group completely.

And as always, I welcome your feedback. Drop me a line and please share and like us on Facebook and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel.

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Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Silent Epidemic

Brain injury is a silent epidemic.

On the surface, things may look fine. But beneath the surface, there is a vast network of symptoms that no one sees. These symptoms are very difficult to deal with and almost impossible for others to understand.

This is why I liken the effects of a brain injury to an iceberg - below the surface of the TBI iceberg lies the hidden burden of the disease.

In my continued quest to educate about brain injuries and in light of the fact that June is Traumatic Injury Awareness Month, I urge you to read on to discover how brain injuries are a silent epidemic and learn about the true impact brain injuries can have.

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9 of the Best Ways to Protect Your Brain

Following are 9 practical things you can start investing in today to protect your most valuable organ. Your brain is a highly complex machine that is responsible for every single thing you do, think, feel and say.

With more neurons than stars contained in our galaxy, your brain is considered the executive control centre of your body. As such, it supervises every thought, feeling, memory, mood, and action that you undertake.

Your brain is what makes you… you!

Yet most people often don’t think twice about this vital organ.

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Brain Boost: 9 Reasons to Eat More Omega 3s

Omega 3s are membrane components. They surround every one of your cells to give them energy. Omega 3 fatty acids do many positive things for our health, including increasing the functionality of our eyes, brain, lungs, immune system, and heart.

As your body does not create omega 3s, you must get them from your diet. This is why they are called “essential” fatty acids.

The most crucial omega 3s are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). These can be naturally found in foods, such as:

  • Fish: salmon, tuna, sardines

  • Oils: soybean oil, cod liver oil, flaxseed oil

  • Nuts and seeds: chia seeds, walnuts, flaxseeds

Most people don’t consume enough omega 3 fatty acids. Rather, they consume an abundance of omega 6s.

In general, omega 6 fatty acids are inflammatory while omega 3s have the opposite effect. It should come as no surprise, then, that omega 6s are more prevalent in a Standard American Diet and are consumed in staggering ratios of up to 40:1!

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Celiac Disease: Living Gluten-Free after Diagnosis

Yes, a celiac diagnosis changes everything. This section is designed to help you navigate through all the hype and educate you about gluten, where it’s often hidden, and how to avoid cross-contamination to help get you started you on your journey to better health.

The first step is recognizing that if you have celiac disease, you must adopt a gluten-free diet for life - and “cheating” on this kind of diet when you have celiac disease spells disaster.

The second step is to educate yourself. You need to be aware of what gluten is, which foods contain it, and how to avoid cross-contamination so you don’t get sick.

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Celiac Disease: Signs and Symptoms that May Surprise You!

When most people think of celiac disease, they immediately think of the common digestive symptoms that manifest if gluten is consumed, including diarrhea, gas and bloating. But there are many other less common, or “atypical” signs and symptoms of the disease - some of which may surprise you. Could you be suffering from one of them?

In honour of May being Celiac Awareness Month, let’s dive right into the disease, test your knowledge of celiac, and examine symptoms during Part 1 of my series on celiac disease. Then be sure to return next week for part 2 of this series to learn how to live gluten-free healthfully.

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Head Injury 101: Common Types of TBI and How to Spot Worrying Symptoms

As the saying goes: knowledge is power. Here are some of the most common head injuries and the worrying symptoms to keep an eye on. Globally, approximately 69 million individuals suffer from a traumatic brain injury (also known as TBI) each year.

It's not always obvious when someone is dealing with a TBI, as it is an invisible illness.

Symptoms can vary drastically, depending on the specific type of TBI someone has sustained as well as other factors like their diet and lifestyle.

If you're not sure if you or someone you love has experienced a traumatic brain injury, keep reading.

Explained below is some important information regarding the different types of TBI. You'll also learn how you can spot common TBI symptoms and what you can do to treat TBI.

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Brain Hypoxia: Everything You Need to Know

Have you or someone you love suffered from brain hypoxia? It affects oxygen flow to the largest part of the brain and can range in severity from mild to life-threatening.

Many people are at risk for hypoxia, including swimmers, divers, athletes, and mountain bikers.

Brain injuries sustained during these activities or otherwise are some of the most dire injuries that can occur to any person. Immediate treatment is necessary to prevent death. Often, ongoing treatment post-surgery is required to regain all or most brain function again.

It's a tough and trying road, but it can be done.

Read on to learn everything you need to know about brain hypoxia and what you can do about it.

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