Posts tagged Pesticides
Feeding the Autistic Brain

Welcome to my new series highlighting nutritional guidelines for specific conditions.

We all know that certain foods are better for us than others, but when dealing with a learning disability, neurological disorder, mental health issue, or other condition, consuming the right foods while avoiding certain others can have a huge impact on outcome.

This week, we start with autism and what to feed the autistic brain. Read on to discover some do’s and don’ts when feeding autism and why certain foods can have a huge impact on daily life.

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The Neurotoxicity of Pesticides

Pesticides, substances used to control unwanted pests, insects, and weeds, are one of the largest groups of toxic chemicals produced, stored, and used in the world. Not only are they designed to control pests through their various mechanisms of action, but they have also proven toxic to non-target organisms - namely humans and beloved pets.

Read this week’s blog to find out how and what you can do about it.

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How Clean is Your Food: 2018’s Dirty Dozen and Why I Choose Organic

How do you know which aisle to shop in the produce section of your local grocery store? How do you decide if paying a little extra for something labelled “organic” is actually worth it?

This week, I delve into the world of organic vs conventional food and let you know why organic wins out in my book.

Progressively more and more people are becoming aware of the connection between food and their personal health. Perhaps you’re like one of my many clients who has decided to take ownership of optimizing their health now.

Indeed, if my practice is any indication, becoming health conscious is no longer the exclusive domain of new or expecting mothers—nor is it the forté of those looking to overcome an ailment, disease or a condition like I was. Increasingly, individuals who are looking for a business edge or students looking to increase their cognitive performance are also realizing, like many athletes have, that what you chose to chomp on has a direct impact on your ability to perform—be it in the boardroom or the classroom.

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