Being healthy and fit isn’t a fad or a trend; it’s a lifestyle.
My name is Kelly Aiello, your nutrition coach and brain health professional on a mission to teach you how to get a better brain! As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (R.H.N.) and Amen Clinic Certified Brain Health Professional, I specialize in neuronutrition and helping people overcome their health challenges.
If you’re ready to take charge of your health and discover how to optimize the health of your body and brain, consider joining the HappiHuman community and working with me. Allow me to teach you how to:
Use whole, natural, unprocessed foods to fuel your body so it can perform its best.
Bust through the fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, trauma, or memory loss that is holding you back.
Improve your eating patterns and relationship with food to help you conquer old habits that no longer serve you.
Start living the life you have always wanted but could never achieve as a chronic dieter.
Dominate at work, school, and life by applying the evidenced-based principles of neuronutrition to optimize your brain function.
To learn more about brain health and neuronutrition, please browse the archives and sign up to receive my newsletter. You can also contact me if you or a loved one need help or support. I look forward to hearing from you and supporting you along your journey to long-term health!
Why Choose Me?
I never met a person that didn’t have some resistance to change. I take the time to get to know my clients fully, find their internal motivation and set them up for long-term success that’s personalized.
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Why Should You Trust Me?
I have been where you are now. I had to learn the hard way how to beat Hashimoto's, regain energy, lose weight for good, and manage stress so it would no longer manage me.
It took a life-altering accident, one that almost claimed my husband’s life, for me to discover my path to improved health. I learned about the healing powers of natural foods and want to teach you the same.
My mission is straightforward: to educate, empower, and inspire you to discover for yourself the incredible, life-altering power of eating the right foods.
By making the right food choices and lifestyle adaptations, you, too, can unlock your full potential and finally discover what it feels like to be truly healthy!
You can read more about me, my health journey, and my husband’s accident on the blog. And if you’d like to learn more about brain health or how neuronutrition can benefit you, please browse the archives and subscribe to receive bi-weekly inspiration. You can also watch me share my top tips on YouTube.
Of course, if you or a loved one need help or support, feel free to contact me.
I look forward to hearing from you and supporting you along your journey to long-term health!
I worked with Kelly for 3. months. I needed someone who could help me make better choices for myself and my family and more than anything, I needed someone to keep me accountable. Kelly was a wonderful resource and gave me weekly goals and tasks that we decided on together. She taught me about eating whole, nutritious and delicious food and also helped me understand why this is so important for our health and well-being. I am so happy that I came across Kelly’s services and I am happy to say that I have continued to carry on with the habits we created and I feel healthy, happy and proud of my progress. Kelly also helped me to see how some things in my life, my language, some thoughts, some patterns were not serving my best interest and was gentle in helping me explore these. I would definitely recommend Kelly’s services for anyone who is interested in exploring a healthier and more nourishing way of living.
—Natalie E. —British Columbia
A Better Brain at Any Age.
My practice also revolves around neuronutrition - the use of targeted foods, supplements, and lifestyle alterations to reduce depression and anxiety, slow age-related cognitive decline, and optimize brain function.
If you want to improve a mental health disorder, reduce depression, better manage anxiety, or improve mental fatigue, neuronutrition can work for you. It can also help if you want to perform your best at work, in school, or in life.
My ultimate goal is to educate, empower and inspire you to take an active role in your health and start living the life you always dreamed of. I’m here to tell you that it is possible!
Wouldn’t it be nice to have abundant energy and improved sleep?
Wouldn’t you love to have increased mental clarity and be more productive at work?
Wouldn’t you like to slow or prevent cognitive decline and age gracefully?
Isn’t it time you felt great every day without getting constantly sick?
By taking control over the food you eat and employing the evidence-based practices of neuronutrition yourself, you can feel like yourself again. You can reduce or even eliminate brain fog, mental fatigue, extreme moods, manic cravings, or endless mental chatter.
Neuronutrition helped my husband better manage symptoms after his brain injury. Neuronutrition helped me increase mental energy and focus, be more productive, and stop chronic migraines. Let me teach you how neuronutrition can help you, too.
So what are you waiting for? Contact me today to receive more information or schedule a no-obligation chat to see if we’d be a good fit to work together. It’s never too late to start!
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