Posts tagged Sleep
Spicy Pasta with ‘Nduja: A Quick, Flavour-Packed Recipe You’ll Love

Looking for a quick dinner that packs a punch? This spicy ‘Nduja pasta recipe is your new go-to. With just a handful of ingredients—penne, fiery Calabrian ‘Nduja, and a sprinkle of Parmigiano-Reggiano—you’ll have a flavor-packed meal in under 20 minutes. The spreadable salami melts into a silky, spicy sauce that clings to every noodle, making it perfect for busy weeknights or a cozy date night. Ready to taste Italy’s boldest secret? Let’s dive in!

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9 Surprising Magnesium Benefits for Your Health: Are You Deficient?

Have you ever wondered if you’re getting enough magnesium? What exactly does it do to support health, anyway?

In today’s post, we’ll consider nine surprising health benefits of magnesium, different forms of magnesium, and how you can incorporate more magnesium into your day.

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Unlocking The Secret to Athlete’s Peak Performance: Tips and Tricks to Stay in Shape

Are you an athlete looking to unlock the secret to peak performance? Or maybe you want to stay in shape and improve your fitness. Perhaps you are dealing with Insulin Resistance or the early stages of dementia and want to do what you can to mitigate future problems.

Whatever your goals may be, the right tips and tricks can help you reach your full potential. 

From proper nutrition and hydration to effective training techniques, there are many factors to consider when it comes to staying in top form. Be sure to read this week’s blog to discover how to take your fitness to the next level!

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How To Help Look After Your Health In Your 50s

As you get older, it’s important to look after your health. 

Well, it’s important to look after your health at any age - but it becomes even more important when you reach your 50s.

Once you turn 50, you enter a new stage of life. You may be looking at retiring within the next ten years and travelling the world. Perhaps you’re watching your children leave home. Perhaps they’re starting families of their own and you’d like to be around to watch your grandchildren grow up.

Whatever the case may be, you’re in your prime and it’s time to make sure that prime lasts for as long as possible. None of us stay young forever and with age, we certainly start to feel it in our body. 

Be sure to read this week’s post to discover some helpful tips to look after your health once you’re in your fifties.

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Feeling Foggy?: Six Simple Methods to Give Yourself Mental Clarity

Have you been feeling a little mentally foggy lately? Unable to focus or concentrate?

If so, you don’t want to miss blog! We’ll dive into mental clarity - what it means and simple methods you can implement today to get it back.

But first, what is “mental clarity?” In brief, when you are mentally clear, your mind is not foggy or clouded by worry, overwhelm, what-ifs, or indecision. Instead, you are able to think clearly, make better decisions, be more productive, and remain focused to attain optimal performance.

However, if you do not have mental clarity, it can truly get in the way of things that need to be done. This is far from ideal, but that’s how it is. 

Whether you are a high-powered executive, a student, a machinist, a homemaker, or you’re simply trying to invest your time in your hobbies, if you lack mental clarity, you will have a hard time focusing. 

So, what can you do if you lack mental clarity? Read this week’s blog to discover some simple daily changes that you can help give yourself mental clarity.

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Brain Basics: Neuroanatomy 101

At HappiHuman, we have been on a mission to teach you how to get a better brain for years.

We have been so focused on supporting your brain health and mental wellness for so long that it may be time to do something a little different… introduce you to your brain!

How well do you know your brain?

Do you know the main parts of the brain? Are you aware that each part is responsible for something different? Moreover, did you realize that each part of the brain has different nutritional requirements?

With that, let’s dive into a crash course about the brain that we’re calling Neuroanatomy 101!

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The Effects of Diabetes on the Brain

Over 37 million Americans have diabetes. Are you one of them?

Did you realize that in addition to that, 1 in 5 people have diabetes and don’t realize it? Those are startling statistics to say the least!

You’ve likely read how diabetes can lead to kidney damage, heart disease, nerve damage, and strokes. Perhaps you have beed affected by the ravages of this disease or have a family member or friend who has. If so, you have probably done a lot of research about it and received a great deal of advice as to how to manage your condition.

Among all the information out there, you don’t often hear about one thing - how much diabetes can affect your brain. It can cause brain fog, anxiety, and mood shifts. It also affects your cognitive abilities and puts you at higher risk for developing long-term complications like Alzheimer’s disease.

So keep reading to learn how diabetes affects your brain and what steps you can take to improve your brain health so you can function at your best!

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How to Deal with Neurofatigue

Do you experience brain fog or neurofatigue?

Do your symptoms like an inability to concentrate or an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion ever make you feel isolated or frustrated? Does your neurofatigue seem impossible to manage?

The debilitating experience of neurofatigue is not something we openly talk about every day. So if you or somebody you love has had to deal with neurofatigue, be sure you read this post. You shouldn’t have to suffer alone.

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A Nutritionist’s Guide: What to eat in times of stress

Sometimes, stress gets the best of us.

Sometimes, stress levels are so high that we get trapped in circular thinking and can’t escape. We cannot turn off recursive thoughts.

So what do we do?

Most of us reach for McDonalds, lasagna, French fries, cookies, ice cream, or some other fatty, salty, sugary foods that we find comforting.

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone!

But have you ever stopped to think about how these foods may actually be making matters worse? Would you like some ideas of foods you’d be better off eating in times of stress?

Read this week’s blog to discover how stress messes with our health and what to eat in times of stress.

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The Negative Effects of Too Much Screen Time for Children

The Negative Effects of Too Much Screen Time for Children

How much time do you allow your children to spend watching television or playing video games? Do you know the negative effects of screen time? Learn more today. Too much screen time is harmful to most people, but this is especially true for children whose brains are still developing. Beware of these damaging effects.

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How to Get Better Sleep

Could our modern lifestyle be preventing us from getting the quality sleep we need?

We all know that getting quality sleep is important - I’m sure you’ve felt the ramifications of a poor night’s sleep the following day (or two).

Last week I shared why sleep is so important to our health and what happens when we sleep. If you missed it, check it out here.

This week, read on to discover the health benefits of quality sleep and what you can do to get a better night’s rest.

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The Science of Sleep: What Happens When We Sleep?

The Science of Sleep: What Happens when we Sleep?

How many hours of sleep do you typically get each night? Do you wake feeling rested?

Sleep accounts for up to 33% of our lives. We know it’s important and feel the ramifications when we don’t get enough. But what exactly happens when we sleep? And how does our sleep affect both our physical and mental health?

Read this week’s post to find out!

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Feeding the Autistic Brain

Welcome to my new series highlighting nutritional guidelines for specific conditions.

We all know that certain foods are better for us than others, but when dealing with a learning disability, neurological disorder, mental health issue, or other condition, consuming the right foods while avoiding certain others can have a huge impact on outcome.

This week, we start with autism and what to feed the autistic brain. Read on to discover some do’s and don’ts when feeding autism and why certain foods can have a huge impact on daily life.

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9 of the Best Ways to Protect Your Brain

Following are 9 practical things you can start investing in today to protect your most valuable organ. Your brain is a highly complex machine that is responsible for every single thing you do, think, feel and say.

With more neurons than stars contained in our galaxy, your brain is considered the executive control centre of your body. As such, it supervises every thought, feeling, memory, mood, and action that you undertake.

Your brain is what makes you… you!

Yet most people often don’t think twice about this vital organ.

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Head Injury 101: Common Types of TBI and How to Spot Worrying Symptoms

As the saying goes: knowledge is power. Here are some of the most common head injuries and the worrying symptoms to keep an eye on. Globally, approximately 69 million individuals suffer from a traumatic brain injury (also known as TBI) each year.

It's not always obvious when someone is dealing with a TBI, as it is an invisible illness.

Symptoms can vary drastically, depending on the specific type of TBI someone has sustained as well as other factors like their diet and lifestyle.

If you're not sure if you or someone you love has experienced a traumatic brain injury, keep reading.

Explained below is some important information regarding the different types of TBI. You'll also learn how you can spot common TBI symptoms and what you can do to treat TBI.

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