Posts tagged Minerals
Educate Yourself About Nutrition: How to Read Nutrition Labels

As we all breathe a sigh of relief that 2020 is now in our rear-view windows, we start to look forward to a new year full of new opportunities.

Though things may not (or may never) be “back to normal” as we may like - we can still look forward to what positive things a new year can bring. And it is within your power to choose where you go from here.

Moving forward, you can choose to become more knowledgeable about how various foods affect your body and brain, or you can continue doing what you have always done and remain where you have always been

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Caring for your Mental Health During a Pandemic

With everything surrounding us including health concerns, financial woes, and news updates around the clock about COVID-19, it’s no wonder that many people are currently swimming in a sea of stress.

Though it is important to stay updated on the latest news and be aware of advisories and cautions as they are placed in effect, it’s just as important that we don’t make ourselves ill with a constant intake of media coverage - especially from the wrong source.

Instead, it’s wise to find a balance between staying informed and becoming all-consumed with the latest news. Try to fill your mind with positive thoughts, navigate each day one step at a time, and do whatever you can to take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Most of all, it’s important to be kind to yourself, take care of your mental health, and improve your mental hygiene.

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How to Get Better Sleep

Could our modern lifestyle be preventing us from getting the quality sleep we need?

We all know that getting quality sleep is important - I’m sure you’ve felt the ramifications of a poor night’s sleep the following day (or two).

Last week I shared why sleep is so important to our health and what happens when we sleep. If you missed it, check it out here.

This week, read on to discover the health benefits of quality sleep and what you can do to get a better night’s rest.

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The Science of Sleep: What Happens When We Sleep?

The Science of Sleep: What Happens when we Sleep?

How many hours of sleep do you typically get each night? Do you wake feeling rested?

Sleep accounts for up to 33% of our lives. We know it’s important and feel the ramifications when we don’t get enough. But what exactly happens when we sleep? And how does our sleep affect both our physical and mental health?

Read this week’s post to find out!

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9 of the Best Ways to Protect Your Brain

Following are 9 practical things you can start investing in today to protect your most valuable organ. Your brain is a highly complex machine that is responsible for every single thing you do, think, feel and say.

With more neurons than stars contained in our galaxy, your brain is considered the executive control centre of your body. As such, it supervises every thought, feeling, memory, mood, and action that you undertake.

Your brain is what makes you… you!

Yet most people often don’t think twice about this vital organ.

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9 Key Foods that Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation. It’s not just for health headlines; It’s a fact.

Scientists are measuring levels of inflammation in our bodies and finding that it can be devastating for our health. This is especially true when it becomes chronic, but even low levels of inflammation on a chronic basis can create problems and lead to disease.

Inflammation is often thought of as the root cause of all disease. This makes sense when you consider that it has been closely linked to obesity, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s, Rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes - just to name a few.

As I’ve discussed often, inflammation is a vital part of our immune system's response to injury or infection. It’s our body's way of triggering the immune system to spring to action to repair damaged cells or tissues and defend our body against foreign invaders like viruses and bacteria.

Without inflammation, wounds may become septic and infections deadly. But if the inflammatory process continues for too long, or if inflammation occurs in places where it’s not needed, it can become a problem anywhere in our body or brain.

Luckily, a healthy diet and lifestyle can help keep inflammation under control.

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Mood-Boosting Kale Cucumber Salad Recipe

It’s no secret that what we eat can affect the health of our bodies and brains. It’s also no secret that certain foods can affect our mood.

High-carb foods like donuts, muffins, and granola bars work to make us feel better by boosting dopamine and acting on our brain’s pleasure centres. Unfortunately, getting such a ‘high’ from these foods is not the healthiest way to go.

Luckily, there are healthier alternatives that also work to boost our mood. Even better still, I’ve combined a few of these foods into one healthy dish!

Read on to discover more information along with the recipe.

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6 Vitamins Good for the Brain that You Should be Taking

The brain is one of your most important organs, so it's crucial to care for it. Check out these 6 vitamins good for the brain to add to your routine.

Your brain is like a jet engine.

It's complicated. It uses a lot of fuel to perform at its best. And without it, you'd be grounded.

We all know that. But did you know that about 75% of your brain is made of water? That means that a little dehydration goes a long way toward hampering brain function. Though water is important, it isn't the only thing that your brain needs for peak performance.

Vitamins and nutrients are essential to keep your brain functioning at 100%. And some vitamins are superstars when it comes to improving brain function.

In this article, we'll talk about 6 vitamins good for the brain and why you should take them.

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