Posts tagged Coffee
The Connection Between Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Neuronutrition - Part 2

Are you or someone close to you struggling with the lasting effects of a traumatic brain injury or concussion? 

Perhaps you’re concerned about Alzheimer’s, dementia or depression. In a world where our cognitive abilities play a pivotal role in our personal and professional lives, it is not surprising this may be a concern. 

In this week’s blog, we’ll continue to explore the connection between neuronutrition and TBI recovery, as well as long-term brain health. If you missed Part 1, I encourage you to check it out on HappiHuman today.

Before we dive in, I’d like to acknowledge how overwhelming the world of nutrition can be, especially if you’re struggling to recover from a TBI. The good news is - I’m here to help!

What might also help is an exciting new online program I designed for people struggling with lingering post-TBI or post-concussion symptoms like fatigue and brain fog. 

I’ve broken everything down for you into easily digestible parts. So, if you’d like more information about this program or want to stay informed about when it will be released, please send me a message or reply to this email with the words “COUNT ME IN!” and I will be in touch.

Until then, please enjoy part two of this blog.

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Top 10 Foods For Brain Function

Eating for your general health and the functioning of your organs has been widely discussed amongst nutritionists and lifestyle writers for decades. 

Many people know the best foods for their heart, liver, intestines and so on. However, many people neglect their brains when they’re trying to cultivate a healthy diet. But did you realize certain foods can have a positive effect on your brain? 

Your brain may be the most crucial organ you have - it is the control centre of your body, and it keeps your heart beating and lungs breathing. So, it’s important to eat the right foods to support the health of your brain. 

But what should you eat to support brain function?

Read this week’s blog to discover 10 of the best brain-healthy foods you should start including in your diet.

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The Best Foods To Boost Brain Health and Memory

How familiar are you with the relationship between nutrition and brain health?

Did you even realize there was a relationship?

The brain is arguably the most important organ in the body that controls all bodily functions. It burns a huge amount of calories and so it needs a huge amount of nutrients and oxygen in order to function properly.

Since you use the brain constantly, even when you sleep, you need to consume the best, healthiest, most nutrient-rich food that will support all its functions. Food that contains healthy fats, protein, and complex carbs will give the brain the energy it needs to keep you healthy, safe, and functioning at an optimal level.

Read this week’s blog to learn about the best foods for your brain health and memory, as well as how to implement them into your diet.

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How to Improve Cognitive Function: Brain Foods Diet vs. Taking Brain Support Supplements

If the current pandemic has done one thing for us, it's made us more health-conscious. More people are exercising, cooking healthier meals, and focusing on their quality of life.

Well, there’s one part of our bodies that matters more than anything else - our brains! Fortunately, there are ways to take care of our minds and keep them healthy for the long term!

So, if you’ve ever wondered how best to keep your mind sharp or how to improve cognitive function, you’re going to want to read this week’s blog.

Can a diet improve cognitive function or should you take supplements for brain health? Read on to discover the answer for yourself.

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Tired of the Winter Blues? How To Elevate Your Mood With Serotonin

As winter approaches, have you started thinking about how to maintain your mental health and keep your mood up?

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and the “winter blues,” its milder cousin, are growing concerns for about 15% of Canadians. Plus, many more people deal with various mood disorders regularly. Read on to discover how serotonin affects us, what may happen if we don’t have enough, and what natural things we can try to keep our levels up.

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Supporting Your Mental Health with Neurotransmitter

Do you know that we have natural brain chemicals that affect our mood?

In our last blog, we discussed three common neurotransmitters involved in mental health: serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine as well as how they work.

This week, let’s take a closer look at natural foods and supplements that can support each of these key neurotransmitters.

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Which Neurotransmitters are Related to Mental Health

Do you know that we have natural brain chemicals that affect our mood?

They are called neurotransmitters. Two common ones you’ve most likely heard of are serotonin and dopamine. But do you know what these neurotransmitters are and how they work?

In honour of mental health awareness month and our continual quest to shed additional light on the topic of mental health, this week we’d like to take a closer look at a few key neurotransmitters and their effects on mood.

Keep reading to discover which neurotransmitters are related to mental health.

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Mental Health vs. Mental Illness: What’s the Difference

What is the state of your mental health?

Do you have a mental illness? Does someone you love?

We throw the words mental illness and mental health around a lot. The terms are often used interchangeably. But what do they really mean? And what’s the difference?

Read this week’s post to discover what constitutes a mental illness, the prevalence of mental illness today, and actionable steps you can take to improve your mental health.

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9 Tips for Managing Depression and Anxiety Naturally

Do you suffer from anxiety or depression?

If so, you’re not alone. Current rates are at an all-time high - in part due to the very stressful last year we have all been faced with.

Much like any other health issue, research into anxiety and depression all too often focuses on treatments and managing symptoms while ignoring the underlying problem.

In many cases, as with my husband following his TBI, this leads to people suffering unduly while they search fruitlessly for solutions - often feeling alone and let down by the allopathic medical system.

If you can relate, especially in terms of your mental health and wellbeing, then please read this week’s blog. You’ll discover 9 tips on how managing your depression and anxiety naturally are possible.

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Brain Inflammation: What it is and what you can do about it

Is your brain inflamed? How can you tell? And if it is, is there anything you can do about it?

One of the most common complaints I hear in my practice is related to brain inflammation. To discover what common complaint this is, to learn what you can do about it, and to download my free resource to help you get started today, be sure to read this week’s blog.

If you care about the health of your brain, you won’t want to miss this!

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7 Neurofatigue Coping Strategies to Take Back Your Life

Do you ever feel so mentally exhausted that even regular daily chores or tasks seem impossible? Does it seem as though each task you undertake requires every single ounce of energy that you have? If you’ve suffered a concussion or traumatic brain injury, you are likely all too aware of these sensations. But even if you haven’t, these feelings may still sound all-too-familiar. If they do, you may be experiencing neurofatiuge.

Neurofatigue following a head injury or incident can make it hard to readjust to your daily life. Read this week’s blog to discover some tips for managing it and regaining control.

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10 Foods That Cause Brain Fog

Fuzzy brain? Feeling distracted or exhausted?

Unable to perform at school or work? It's common to feel this way from time to time, but if you're experiencing brain fog on a regular basis, it could be related to what you're eating or drinking.

In order to beat brain fog, there are some foods that you need to avoid. Find out what foods cause brain fog that may be preventing you from staying clear and gaining a competitive edge in life.

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Antioxidants: Foods vs. Supplements

Regular readers of mine may have seen me use the term “antioxidants” from time to time but do you know what they are and why they are important?

I figured it was time to address the buzzword of antioxidants. It's been quite popular in the media and online lately, and I want to make sure that you get the right information where antioxidants are concerned.

Yes, antioxidants are super-healthy. And yes, we should be eating foods full of them. But, when it comes to supplements, the evidence is not so great.

Read this week’s post to discover the science and health benefits of antioxidant foods and supplements, as well as which delicious foods contain them.

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Eat Smart: A Delicious Way to Optimize Academic Performance

Are you tired of falling behind in school and constantly burning the midnight oil? Would you like to improve your concentration in class and maintain better focus when studying? Would you like to learn how best to fuel your brain so that it will perform better than ever? Are you ready to start the school year feeling better than ever before?

If so, read on because proper neuronutrition can make all the difference - to optimize brain function and improve academic performance!

And if you’re not a student, this blog can help you, too! The principles within can certainly be applied to everyone in all walks of life - high school students, those in elementary school, and even adults who’d like to perform better at work and in life.

Your brain is your most valuable asset, and feeding it well is a great insurance policy!

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Green Tea vs. Black Tea: Health Benefits that May Surprise You

Today, we’re talking tea!

Tea boasts some great health benefits - which is why we have been drinking it for thousands of years. Its antioxidant abilities make it heart-healthy, brain-friendly and can reduce our risk of developing certain cancers and diabetes.

But, does the type of tea matter? Is green tea that much healthier than black tea? And what difference does adding milk and/or sweeteners do to it?

In today’s blog post, I give you the goods on green tea vs. black tea. And the healthiest way to drink your tea.

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