Posts tagged Blood Sugar
Spicy Pasta with ‘Nduja: A Quick, Flavour-Packed Recipe You’ll Love

Looking for a quick dinner that packs a punch? This spicy ‘Nduja pasta recipe is your new go-to. With just a handful of ingredients—penne, fiery Calabrian ‘Nduja, and a sprinkle of Parmigiano-Reggiano—you’ll have a flavor-packed meal in under 20 minutes. The spreadable salami melts into a silky, spicy sauce that clings to every noodle, making it perfect for busy weeknights or a cozy date night. Ready to taste Italy’s boldest secret? Let’s dive in!

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9 Surprising Magnesium Benefits for Your Health: Are You Deficient?

Have you ever wondered if you’re getting enough magnesium? What exactly does it do to support health, anyway?

In today’s post, we’ll consider nine surprising health benefits of magnesium, different forms of magnesium, and how you can incorporate more magnesium into your day.

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Insulin Resistance: Managing Blood Sugar Through Diet and Supplements

Insulin Resistance has become a hot topic lately. And as we welcome in a new year, what better time than now to consider the impact insulin resistance has on our health goals (and waistline).

We’ll first consider what insulin resistance is and how it develops. Then we’ll dive into the good stuff - diet, supplements, and lifestyle factors that can combat this growing concern. 

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Are All Sugars Created Equal? Natural Sugars vs. Sugar Additives

By now, most people are aware that not all calories are created equal. A calorie from a baked potato will have a different effect on the body than one from a whole egg.

But what about sugar? 

Are all sugars created equal? Is the sugar we get from an apple the same as the sugar added to apple juice? 

So, be sure to read this week’s blog as we break it down for you and compare natural sugars and sugar additives. But first, I have an important question for you…

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Managing Insulin Resistance Naturally

Insulin resistance is a growing concern in the health space. 

If you know about it and its effects then you know how serious a condition it can be. If not, you should make yourself aware. 

Regardless of which camp you currently find yourself in, do yourself a favour and read this week’s blog as we discuss what insulin resistance is, who is at risk, and what you can do about it.

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5 Key Strategies to Support Your Immune System

There’s no doubt that we’re going through scary times right now. Many of us are still unsure of what to do; do we remain separated from each other, hidden in our homes, waiting for news that the current COVID-19 epidemic has passed?

If you are feeling afraid and powerless, I’d like you to know that there is something you can do. You can be proactive with your own health and fortify your body and immune system so that should you contract any virus or illness, you may be able to shorten its duration and minimize your symptoms.

This means you have power now.

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Feeding Diabetes: A Nutritionist’s Guide

Do you or someone you love have diabetes or are worried about it?

I received such an overwhelming response with my recent blog post on how to know if your blood sugar is out of whack that I decided to create a follow-up, focusing on how to feed diabetes.

Most people recognize the importance of managing blood sugar levels but often fall short when trying to manage it themselves. So this week, let me help.

Read on to discover a nutritionist’s guide on feeding diabetes.

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How to Know if Your Blood Sugar is Out of Whack and What to do about it

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You constantly crave sugary foods

  • You have a hard time sleeping through the night

  • You have difficulty staying focused or concentrating

  • You get super irritable if you miss a meal

  • You feel better after eating

  • You cannot lose weight, no matter how hard you try

  • You get tired for no reason and often feel sluggish

  • You have an insatiable thirst and have to use the bathroom a lot

If this sounds like you, you definitely need to read this week’s blog post!

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Reversing Your Road to Diabetes: The Pre-diabetic Diet

Do you love pasta, crackers, white bread, ice cream, and donuts?

Do you enjoy a morning bowl of breakfast cereal?

Do you love deep fried foods or anything from fast food restaurants?

Most of us do, but here’s the real question… do you eat these foods regularly?

If so, you may be on the road the diabetes!

The good news is, you can stop diabetes from developing and reverse pre-diabetes! Let me show you how in this week’s blog where you’ll discover how to properly eat a pre-diabetic diet and reverse your path before it's too late.

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Feeding your Immune System: A Nutritionist’s Guide

During times like this, the likes of which our society hasn’t seen in the last hundred years, amongst all the confusion, uncertainty, hopelessness, and anxiety, you may be wondering what to eat.

Read on to discover a nutritionist’s guide to the best foods you can eat in order to boost your immune system and keep viruses at bay.

A Special Limed Time Offer For You

If you are an elder, are immunocompromised, are dealing with cancer or an autoimmune condition, or simply want to make your immune system more robust, I want to offer you my nutritional services at a reduced rate.

For a limited time you can purchase a nutritional consultation with me for only $99 - that’s $40 off my regular pricing!

Simply email me at and mention this special offer. And don’t worry about having to leave the safety of your home, as we can conduct the session remotely, through my secure online portal.

Again, send me a quick email with your contact information to get started on naturally boosting your immune system today! I look forward to supporting you through this time!

With that, I send my warmest wishes your way for your health, safety, and peace of mind.

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10 Foods That Cause Brain Fog

Fuzzy brain? Feeling distracted or exhausted?

Unable to perform at school or work? It's common to feel this way from time to time, but if you're experiencing brain fog on a regular basis, it could be related to what you're eating or drinking.

In order to beat brain fog, there are some foods that you need to avoid. Find out what foods cause brain fog that may be preventing you from staying clear and gaining a competitive edge in life.

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The Psychology Behind a Sweet Tooth

Do you crave sugary treats or have a sweet tooth?

Did you know that behind every ravenous sweet tooth is a scientific and psychological reason as to why your body may be craving sugar?

Moreover, the reasons behind your cravings help determine how you can combat it.

If you find yourself craving sugar throughout the day, you're not alone. There are biological reasons why we, as humans, want sugar. Yes, it tastes good, but there's more to this story.

Read this week’s blog post to explore more of the 'why' you have a sweet tooth and how to remedy it.

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Your Guide to the Difference Between Going Paleo, Keto, or Pegan

Paleo, keto and pegan are three of the hottest diets right now and are continuing to gain traction. But what do they entail and what are the differences between them?

Learn the basic tenants of each diet in this week’s blog post to help you decide if any one of them is the right fit for you.

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How Diabetes Affects your Brain and Memory

Do you have diabetes? Pre-diabetes? Higher than normal blood sugar levels?

Are you experiencing memory problems or showing signs of dementia?

Did you know that the two are connected?

Most people are aware that diabetes is a serious condition that requires care and monitoring. If left untreated or uncontrolled, serious consequences can result.

But did you know that diabetes can also affect your memory? In fact, if you have diabetes, you have an increased risk for developing not only memory problems, but dementia and Alzheimer’s, as well.

Keep reading to discover how diabetes affects your brain and what you can do about it.

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Soda and Brain Health: Everything you Need to Know

For those of you who prefer a can of soda in the morning to rev up your engine, or for those of you who down a soda to get yourself through the mid-afternoon slump, this blog post is for you!

Read on to discover if soda is bad for your brain and if diet soda is any better.

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