Posts in Conditions
Panic Attacks: What they are and how breathing can help - Part 2

Last week we discussed panic attacks - what they are and how various breathing techniques can help.

If you’ve ever experienced a panic attack, you know how frightening they can be and how beneficial it can be to breathe through it.

But did you know that there are also other things you can do to help? In fact, with the right know-how, you may even be able to stop a panic attack in its tracks!

So be sure to read this week’s blog to discover some actionable strategies you can take if you ever find yourself in the throes of one.

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Panic Attacks: What they are and how breathing can help - Part 1

Have you ever experienced a panic attack?

If so, you are not alone. One in three Canadians will experience a panic attack at some point in their lives.

If you’ve experienced one, you know just how frightening they can be.

But did you know that there are certain things you can do just before or during a panic attack that may help? In fact, with the right know-now, you may even be able to stop one in its tracks!

Why is this important for you to know?

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How to Know if Your Blood Sugar is Out of Whack and What to do about it

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You constantly crave sugary foods

  • You have a hard time sleeping through the night

  • You have difficulty staying focused or concentrating

  • You get super irritable if you miss a meal

  • You feel better after eating

  • You cannot lose weight, no matter how hard you try

  • You get tired for no reason and often feel sluggish

  • You have an insatiable thirst and have to use the bathroom a lot

If this sounds like you, you definitely need to read this week’s blog post!

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Neuronutrition after Traumatic Brain Injury: The Nutrients your Brain Needs

No matter how well you take care of yourself and your brain, the reality is that anyone can suffer from a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) at any time. TBIs do not discriminate against gender, age, race, or health status.

For my husband Joe, it happened in a cycling accident.

For Maggie, whom I interviewed last week, it happened at a waterslide park.

For you, it may have been on a football field or hockey rink.

But regardless of how one may have sustained a TBI, the science is showing that proper nutrition following an acquisition can play a helpful role in TBI recovery.

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Life After TBI: Maggie’s Story

I am super excited to announce a special new series that I’m launching about life after a traumatic brain injury.

This week, I’d like to introduce you to Maggie Doucette.In celebration of June being Brain Injury Awareness month in Canada, Maggie of M.A.D. Digital Marketing sat down with me to share her personal story. We discussed what living with a brain injury is like and how her life has changed. She also offered her advice to others struggling with a TBI and had a special message for their friends and family members.

So be sure to read this week’s post to discover what Maggie had to say!

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Reversing Your Road to Diabetes: The Pre-diabetic Diet

Do you love pasta, crackers, white bread, ice cream, and donuts?

Do you enjoy a morning bowl of breakfast cereal?

Do you love deep fried foods or anything from fast food restaurants?

Most of us do, but here’s the real question… do you eat these foods regularly?

If so, you may be on the road the diabetes!

The good news is, you can stop diabetes from developing and reverse pre-diabetes! Let me show you how in this week’s blog where you’ll discover how to properly eat a pre-diabetic diet and reverse your path before it's too late.

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Emotional Freedom Technique: Tapping

Have you heard of EFT or tapping? Either way, you’re in for a treat! I’m super excited to share the recent interview I had with Brad Yates - a leading expert in EFT. Keep reading to discover the details and to learn about EFT as well as how it may help you.

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Feeding your Immune System: A Nutritionist’s Guide

During times like this, the likes of which our society hasn’t seen in the last hundred years, amongst all the confusion, uncertainty, hopelessness, and anxiety, you may be wondering what to eat.

Read on to discover a nutritionist’s guide to the best foods you can eat in order to boost your immune system and keep viruses at bay.

A Special Limed Time Offer For You

If you are an elder, are immunocompromised, are dealing with cancer or an autoimmune condition, or simply want to make your immune system more robust, I want to offer you my nutritional services at a reduced rate.

For a limited time you can purchase a nutritional consultation with me for only $99 - that’s $40 off my regular pricing!

Simply email me at and mention this special offer. And don’t worry about having to leave the safety of your home, as we can conduct the session remotely, through my secure online portal.

Again, send me a quick email with your contact information to get started on naturally boosting your immune system today! I look forward to supporting you through this time!

With that, I send my warmest wishes your way for your health, safety, and peace of mind.

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Leaky Gut: What it is and How to Know if you Have One

The term "leaky gut" has been thrown around a lot lately.

Do you think you may have one? How do you know? And if you do, what can you do about it?

Leaky gut can be linked to many different conditions; especially ones related to the gut and chronic inflammation. While there may not be one definitive test to diagnose a leaky gut just yet, there are some known dietary and lifestyle factors that can make it better or worse.

In this week’s blog post, I’ll dive into those factors right after telling you a bit about what it is, how it occurs, and what some of the common symptoms are.

Plus, you’re in for a treat this week. I’m also sharing one of my favourite chicken broth recipes that is slow-cooked and oh so comforting!

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Why You Should Care About Blood Flow To The Brain

Blood is very important to the brain.

Even though the brain makes up only about 2% of your body’s weight, it uses a staggering 20% of the body’s blood flow and oxygen supply.

This may not mean much to you, but let’s take a look at why you should pay attention to the flow of blood to your brain and who’s most at risk.

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10 Foods That Cause Brain Fog

Fuzzy brain? Feeling distracted or exhausted?

Unable to perform at school or work? It's common to feel this way from time to time, but if you're experiencing brain fog on a regular basis, it could be related to what you're eating or drinking.

In order to beat brain fog, there are some foods that you need to avoid. Find out what foods cause brain fog that may be preventing you from staying clear and gaining a competitive edge in life.

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Improving Brain Health Through the Gut

How does an unhappy gut equate to an unhappy brain? I’m sure you’ve heard of the gut-brain axis by now.

But just how closely linked is the health of our gut to the health of our brain? How can one affect the other? And, most importantly, how can we use the health of our gut to improve that of our brain?

Keep reading to find out!

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How to Get Better Sleep

Could our modern lifestyle be preventing us from getting the quality sleep we need?

We all know that getting quality sleep is important - I’m sure you’ve felt the ramifications of a poor night’s sleep the following day (or two).

Last week I shared why sleep is so important to our health and what happens when we sleep. If you missed it, check it out here.

This week, read on to discover the health benefits of quality sleep and what you can do to get a better night’s rest.

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The Science of Sleep: What Happens When We Sleep?

The Science of Sleep: What Happens when we Sleep?

How many hours of sleep do you typically get each night? Do you wake feeling rested?

Sleep accounts for up to 33% of our lives. We know it’s important and feel the ramifications when we don’t get enough. But what exactly happens when we sleep? And how does our sleep affect both our physical and mental health?

Read this week’s post to find out!

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Antioxidants: Foods vs. Supplements

Regular readers of mine may have seen me use the term “antioxidants” from time to time but do you know what they are and why they are important?

I figured it was time to address the buzzword of antioxidants. It's been quite popular in the media and online lately, and I want to make sure that you get the right information where antioxidants are concerned.

Yes, antioxidants are super-healthy. And yes, we should be eating foods full of them. But, when it comes to supplements, the evidence is not so great.

Read this week’s post to discover the science and health benefits of antioxidant foods and supplements, as well as which delicious foods contain them.

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