Posts tagged Dysbiosis
Improving Brain Health Through the Gut

How does an unhappy gut equate to an unhappy brain? I’m sure you’ve heard of the gut-brain axis by now.

But just how closely linked is the health of our gut to the health of our brain? How can one affect the other? And, most importantly, how can we use the health of our gut to improve that of our brain?

Keep reading to find out!

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Celiac Disease is an Autoimmune Condition: What You Need to Know

May is Celiac disease awareness month.

Celiac disease, an extreme manifestation of gluten sensitivity, occurs when an allergic reaction to gluten causes small intestinal damage. It is the most severe reaction anyone can have to gluten, and is more prevalent than you may think, as most people who have this disease are never actually diagnosed.

For those of you who have been diagnosed with celiac disease, it’s likely that you already know what it is and how it impacts your life. For others, this is the opportunity to learn the truth about celiac disease, symptoms associated with it, and how it manifests itself.

In this week’s blog post, I’ll discuss how celiac disease, an autoimmune condition, may arise, common myths about the disease, and provide you a list of food/ingredients containing gluten that all celiacs must avoid.

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How You Can Improve Your Digestion Naturally

How to Improve Digestion Naturally: Restoring your gut health can be as simple as incorporating the right foods into your diet. Keep reading to learn how to improve digestion naturally.

How often have you finished a meal and felt bloated, been gassy, had cramps or acid reflux, or felt just plain uncomfortable? It happens to everyone from time to time, and it can be a sign that your digestive system isn't working the way it should.

If it happens to you regularly, it may be time to make some lasting changes.

Your digestive system is a delicate balance of chemical reactions. Having one element thrown out of whack can wreak havoc on many aspects of your health, not to mention leaving you feeling very uncomfortable. But taking medicine for these problems all the time may not be right for you - or the approach you want to take.

If you're looking to improve digestion naturally, read on for several tips you may just want to try.

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