Healthy Habits You Need To Bring Into Your Life

Are you looking to make some changes for a healthier life but don’t know where to start?

When it comes to getting into the best possible health, habits are essential. Change can be challenging, but copying the actions of healthy individuals can make it seem a lot simpler to adopt lifestyle adjustments.

An ongoing circle of sluggishness is damaging to one’s well-being. A healthier, happier you will always have energy and know-how to take care of yourself and your requirements. But what precisely does it take?

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How Omega 3 Fatty Acids Can Reduce Your Risk for Alzheimer’s

Has someone in your family been recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s? Have you been wondering how to reduce your risk? You’re not alone!

More than six million adults over 65 years old have Alzheimer’s dementia. As startling a statistic as this is, numbers are only expected to rise.

An Alzheimer’s diagnosis can seem daunting and frightening for many people. Your memory and ability to perform daily tasks slowly dwindle. You fear becoming a burden and forgetting who you are.

But it doesn’t have to end this way. There are steps you can start taking today that can reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s. As the saying goes - an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

You may have guessed that your diet plays a critical role in all of this - and you’d be right. However, it can be challenging to know where to start when implementing the fruits, vegetables, meat, and supplements that are part of a brain-healthy diet into your everyday meals.

This is where I come in! So, if you are interested in learning more about dietary changes that can reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s, be sure to read this week’s post!

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How to Look After Your Parents (Even When You're Not With Them)

As you watch your parents grow older, you may not be able to be with them at all times. Between work and your own family, you can't see them as regularly as you once did. For many, this can raise some concerns (and even a little guilt).

You wonder what will happen if they fall and can’t get to the phone. What about getting sick without a friendly face by their side? Thankfully, you can still look after your parents, even if you’re not there.

Read this week’s post to discover how!

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Head Injuries: Warning Signs and How to Treat Head Injuries Naturally

Our previous blog was about why a TBI brain likes routines and how routines can support TBI recovery.

If you missed it, I encourage you to check it out!

This week, in further commemoration of Brain Injury Awareness month, let me give you the low-down on head injuries.

What is a head injury, how can you acquire one, what are the warning signs, and what is the best treatment? These are all the questions we’ll answer this week and more!

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Why a TBI Brain Likes Routine

The month of March is also Brain Injury Awareness Month.

It is recognized worldwide and has become a great opportunity to raise awareness, share knowledge, and educate about all things brain injury. So let me ask you a question:

Have you suffered from a traumatic brain injury?

If so, you may be wondering what the best way to recover is. One of the most important things to support TBI recovery is to stick with a routine. It may not always be easy but it will help speed up the healing process and make life easier for you in general.

Part of your routine should include keeping a consistent sleep schedule, maintaining a healthy diet, and exercising regularly. These are all things that can help improve your quality of life after suffering from a TBI.

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How to Improve Cognitive Function: Brain Foods Diet vs. Taking Brain Support Supplements

If the current pandemic has done one thing for us, it's made us more health-conscious. More people are exercising, cooking healthier meals, and focusing on their quality of life.

Well, there’s one part of our bodies that matters more than anything else - our brains! Fortunately, there are ways to take care of our minds and keep them healthy for the long term!

So, if you’ve ever wondered how best to keep your mind sharp or how to improve cognitive function, you’re going to want to read this week’s blog.

Can a diet improve cognitive function or should you take supplements for brain health? Read on to discover the answer for yourself.

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Brain Benefits of Having Balanced Blood Sugar Levels

Ok, so maybe not the kind of sugar you originally thought about - but sugars in your blood.

Why should you pay attention to your blood sugar levels? Well, if you have diabetes, are worried about getting it in the future, are battling cancer, or want to stave off dementia, then blood sugar levels should be of great concern to you - and you probably already know this.

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Online Nutrition Coach: Supportive and Tailored for You

Are you tired of watching your weight fluctuate throughout the year? Do you want to find a way that you can stick to a consistent nutritional plan for the rest of your life?

If so, you need to learn all you can about hiring a nutrition coach.

Online nutrition coaches can provide several benefits for your life. They can help you develop a healthier relationship with food, boost your mental health, and help you keep off the weight you've lost.

Read this week’s blog

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A Nutritionist’s Journey: From Sickness to Genuine Health

If you have been following me and receiving my newsletter for a while, I’d like to say thanks! I’m glad to have you here If you are new to HappiHuman, welcome! I have been a nutritionist and blogger for over four years now. As a result, it was time to give my website a new, fresher look. What better time to roll out a new look than the start of a new year?

So, in this week’s feature blog, I thought it was only fitting to go back and tell you more about me and my story… who I am, where I came from, and what brought me to where I am today. Why? Because my health journey has resonated with many, and it may resonate with you, too.

So kick back, relax, and enjoy my story!

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Is It An Eating Disorder Or Is It OCD?

What are the warning signs your child may have an eating disorder? Could your child’s eating habits be the result of obsessive compulsions? Do you know the difference between what to look for and how to deal with an eating disorder or OCD in your child? If these thoughts or questions have surfaced for you in the past, or perhaps were triggered in you now, you don’t want to miss this blog!

I sat down to have a very candid discussion with mental health trailblazer Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge about this very topic.

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Tired of the Winter Blues? How To Elevate Your Mood With Serotonin

As winter approaches, have you started thinking about how to maintain your mental health and keep your mood up?

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and the “winter blues,” its milder cousin, are growing concerns for about 15% of Canadians. Plus, many more people deal with various mood disorders regularly. Read on to discover how serotonin affects us, what may happen if we don’t have enough, and what natural things we can try to keep our levels up.

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How to Get More Oxygen to the Brain

Are you looking to break through brain fog or are you concerned with your long-term brain health?

If so, learning how to boost the level of oxygen in your brain is essential.

Read this week’s post to discover the benefits of increased oxygen to your brain and how easily you can make it happen.

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Stress And Anxiety in Our Kids: What’s The Difference And How To Help 

Have you ever wondered when stress becomes anxiety?

Do you have a child or teen who struggles with a mental health issue? Do you struggle yourself?

If so, you don’t want to miss this week’s blog!

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Dr. Roseann, a trailblazer in children’s mental health to discuss her new book, what the difference between stress and anxiety is, and what you can do to help your child and your whole family.

Here is our interview…

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The Mind-Immune Connection: How Mental Health and Immune Health Affect Each Other

What do Alzheimer’s, anxiety, brain fog, diabetes, asthma, and allergies have in common?

The answer may shock you. It may also help explain the connection between mental health and immune health. Yes, there is a mind-immune connection. But what is the driving mechanism linking the two?

In a word: Stress!

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An Interview With Mark Tullius: Former MMA Fighter Turned TBI and CTE Activist

This week, the HappiHuman community is in for a treat!

I sat down to interview a former ivy league football player and MMA fighter who is now an activist for TBI and CTE to hear about his experiences with multiple concussions, what prompted him to stop fighting, and how he turned things around for himself.

So stay tuned to read a summary of the conversation we had.

If you have kids in contact sports or have sustained a concussion yourself, you don’t want to miss this!

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