Posts in Neuronutrition
Feeding the Brain: How Plant Foods Affect Brain Health

You’ve probably heard that your gut is considered your “second brain” and that the gut-brain connection is real.

But did you realize that many brain issues stem from gut issues? 

Did you also know that people with poor gut health often suffer from poor brain health?

It’s not uncommon for people dealing with food intolerances, IBS, bloating, or constipation to also experience brain fog, anxiety, memory issues, or mental fatigue. 

But why is that? And, more importantly, what can be done about it?

Be sure to read this week’s blog to find out!

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Feeling Foggy?: Six Simple Methods to Give Yourself Mental Clarity

Have you been feeling a little mentally foggy lately? Unable to focus or concentrate?

If so, you don’t want to miss blog! We’ll dive into mental clarity - what it means and simple methods you can implement today to get it back.

But first, what is “mental clarity?” In brief, when you are mentally clear, your mind is not foggy or clouded by worry, overwhelm, what-ifs, or indecision. Instead, you are able to think clearly, make better decisions, be more productive, and remain focused to attain optimal performance.

However, if you do not have mental clarity, it can truly get in the way of things that need to be done. This is far from ideal, but that’s how it is. 

Whether you are a high-powered executive, a student, a machinist, a homemaker, or you’re simply trying to invest your time in your hobbies, if you lack mental clarity, you will have a hard time focusing. 

So, what can you do if you lack mental clarity? Read this week’s blog to discover some simple daily changes that you can help give yourself mental clarity.

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The Best Foods To Boost Brain Health and Memory

How familiar are you with the relationship between nutrition and brain health?

Did you even realize there was a relationship?

The brain is arguably the most important organ in the body that controls all bodily functions. It burns a huge amount of calories and so it needs a huge amount of nutrients and oxygen in order to function properly.

Since you use the brain constantly, even when you sleep, you need to consume the best, healthiest, most nutrient-rich food that will support all its functions. Food that contains healthy fats, protein, and complex carbs will give the brain the energy it needs to keep you healthy, safe, and functioning at an optimal level.

Read this week’s blog to learn about the best foods for your brain health and memory, as well as how to implement them into your diet.

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The Importance Of Diet When Dealing With Addiction

Are you or someone you love recovering from an addiction?

This can be a very challenging and frustrating time, not to mention a time during which many people feel alone and confused.

What can make matters worse is not knowing what to do to help yourself, specifically when it comes to what to eat.

Indeed, there are several different aspects to recovery from addiction. It’s important to consider effective treatment from various angles, including both how the body and mind can be supported.

One of the factors to consider as part of a successful recovery is a healthy diet.

Diet can play a vital role when someone is in addiction recovery, helping to improve health in multiple ways. It can form one part of a healthier lifestyle and support people in their recovery. There are multiple reasons to pay attention to diet during recovery and different ways to navigate dietary changes to ensure good health.

Bottom line: Diet shouldn’t be ignored as part of a healthy recovery. Creating a balanced and healthy diet needs to be a part of planning an effective recovery that can lead to a healthier life.

Keep reading to discover some tips that may help along your journey.

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Sugar Detox Guide: How to Transition to a Life Without Sugar

Do you feel like a slave to sugar?

Do sugar cravings run your life? Have you had enough?

If transitioning to a life without sugar seems impossible, but you’re ready to hear me out, then you’ve simply got to read this week’s blog!

We’ll dive into reasons why quitting sugar is a good thing (if there is any doubt), how to detox from sugar, and provide you with some tips to help you manage through the transition

You got this!

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Brain Basics: Neuroanatomy 101

At HappiHuman, we have been on a mission to teach you how to get a better brain for years.

We have been so focused on supporting your brain health and mental wellness for so long that it may be time to do something a little different… introduce you to your brain!

How well do you know your brain?

Do you know the main parts of the brain? Are you aware that each part is responsible for something different? Moreover, did you realize that each part of the brain has different nutritional requirements?

With that, let’s dive into a crash course about the brain that we’re calling Neuroanatomy 101!

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The Effects of Diabetes on the Brain

Over 37 million Americans have diabetes. Are you one of them?

Did you realize that in addition to that, 1 in 5 people have diabetes and don’t realize it? Those are startling statistics to say the least!

You’ve likely read how diabetes can lead to kidney damage, heart disease, nerve damage, and strokes. Perhaps you have beed affected by the ravages of this disease or have a family member or friend who has. If so, you have probably done a lot of research about it and received a great deal of advice as to how to manage your condition.

Among all the information out there, you don’t often hear about one thing - how much diabetes can affect your brain. It can cause brain fog, anxiety, and mood shifts. It also affects your cognitive abilities and puts you at higher risk for developing long-term complications like Alzheimer’s disease.

So keep reading to learn how diabetes affects your brain and what steps you can take to improve your brain health so you can function at your best!

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How to Deal with Neurofatigue

Do you experience brain fog or neurofatigue?

Do your symptoms like an inability to concentrate or an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion ever make you feel isolated or frustrated? Does your neurofatigue seem impossible to manage?

The debilitating experience of neurofatigue is not something we openly talk about every day. So if you or somebody you love has had to deal with neurofatigue, be sure you read this post. You shouldn’t have to suffer alone.

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How Coffee Can Improve Your Mental Health

Are you a coffee drinker?

Do you need coffee’s caffeine boost to help you get through the day? Or do you drink coffee because you enjoy the taste? Did you know that not all coffee is created equal?

Though it’s true there are many health benefits to coffee, it’s also important to know that coffee isn’t for everyone. So let’s start at the beginning.

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It has also been shown to have numerous health benefits. While many people drink coffee to get a caffeine jolt, in today’s blog, we’re going to explore how coffee can improve your mental health. That’s right, there are also many potential mental health benefits associated with coffee consumption.

There are two main things that make coffee great for your health: the caffeine and the antioxidants. Antioxidants are important because they help to protect your cells from damage (oxidative stress), while the caffeine in coffee can help improve mood, cognitive function and physical performance.

So be sure to read this week’s blog to learn more about how each of these affects you and your mental health.

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Helping Your Loved One with Dementia: Do’s and Don’ts

Do you have a loved one with dementia?

Are you overwhelmed with all the information out there (much of it conflicting), which is leaving you even more confused and not knowing what to do?

If so, then read this week’s special guest post. It provides some practical do’s and don’ts when it comes to helping your loved one with dementia.

Dementia can be challenging to deal with, but it’s important to be patient and understanding. Remember that you should never be overly critical or judgmental, as this will only strain your relationship.

Don’t expect your loved one to remember everything. One of the hallmarks of dementia is forgetfulness, so don’t feel offended if they can’t always recall essential details about their lives. Instead, remind them gently and move on.

Read on for more do’s and don’ts when helping your loved one with dementia.

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Healthy Habits You Need To Bring Into Your Life

Are you looking to make some changes for a healthier life but don’t know where to start?

When it comes to getting into the best possible health, habits are essential. Change can be challenging, but copying the actions of healthy individuals can make it seem a lot simpler to adopt lifestyle adjustments.

An ongoing circle of sluggishness is damaging to one’s well-being. A healthier, happier you will always have energy and know-how to take care of yourself and your requirements. But what precisely does it take?

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How Omega 3 Fatty Acids Can Reduce Your Risk for Alzheimer’s

Has someone in your family been recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s? Have you been wondering how to reduce your risk? You’re not alone!

More than six million adults over 65 years old have Alzheimer’s dementia. As startling a statistic as this is, numbers are only expected to rise.

An Alzheimer’s diagnosis can seem daunting and frightening for many people. Your memory and ability to perform daily tasks slowly dwindle. You fear becoming a burden and forgetting who you are.

But it doesn’t have to end this way. There are steps you can start taking today that can reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s. As the saying goes - an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

You may have guessed that your diet plays a critical role in all of this - and you’d be right. However, it can be challenging to know where to start when implementing the fruits, vegetables, meat, and supplements that are part of a brain-healthy diet into your everyday meals.

This is where I come in! So, if you are interested in learning more about dietary changes that can reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s, be sure to read this week’s post!

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Head Injuries: Warning Signs and How to Treat Head Injuries Naturally

Our previous blog was about why a TBI brain likes routines and how routines can support TBI recovery.

If you missed it, I encourage you to check it out!

This week, in further commemoration of Brain Injury Awareness month, let me give you the low-down on head injuries.

What is a head injury, how can you acquire one, what are the warning signs, and what is the best treatment? These are all the questions we’ll answer this week and more!

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Why a TBI Brain Likes Routine

The month of March is also Brain Injury Awareness Month.

It is recognized worldwide and has become a great opportunity to raise awareness, share knowledge, and educate about all things brain injury. So let me ask you a question:

Have you suffered from a traumatic brain injury?

If so, you may be wondering what the best way to recover is. One of the most important things to support TBI recovery is to stick with a routine. It may not always be easy but it will help speed up the healing process and make life easier for you in general.

Part of your routine should include keeping a consistent sleep schedule, maintaining a healthy diet, and exercising regularly. These are all things that can help improve your quality of life after suffering from a TBI.

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How to Improve Cognitive Function: Brain Foods Diet vs. Taking Brain Support Supplements

If the current pandemic has done one thing for us, it's made us more health-conscious. More people are exercising, cooking healthier meals, and focusing on their quality of life.

Well, there’s one part of our bodies that matters more than anything else - our brains! Fortunately, there are ways to take care of our minds and keep them healthy for the long term!

So, if you’ve ever wondered how best to keep your mind sharp or how to improve cognitive function, you’re going to want to read this week’s blog.

Can a diet improve cognitive function or should you take supplements for brain health? Read on to discover the answer for yourself.

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