Top 10 Memory Boosting Foods You Should Be Eating

Did you know certain foods can help boost your memory?

Read on to learn about the top 10 memory boosting foods.

It's no secret that our memory and cognitive abilities decline as we age. But did you know that your eating habits are just as important to your memory as they are to your waistline?

Many common foods like pasta, processed meats, and white sugar have been associated with impaired memory and serious illnesses like Alzheimer's disease.

If your diet consists of these foods on a regular basis, you should definitely start making some changes that include brain-healthy foods. According to one study, people with healthier diets are 24% less likely to experience cognitive decline as they age.

And lucky for you, we found the best foods to help you out in that area. So, continue reading this article for our ultimate memory boosting foods list.

Our Favourite Memory Boosting Foods

The food you eat is fuel your brain and body need to keep performing at their best. If you're eating high amounts of sugar and saturated fat, the fuel you’re consuming won't help you accomplish much.

You need to make sure you're getting plenty of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Start eating these 10 foods to feel yourself improve:

1. Tea and Coffee

If you like starting your day with a hot cup of tea or coffee, you're going to love learning that it's great at boosting your brain power. And this goes beyond the awakened feeling you get after a few sips.

The antioxidants and caffeine in coffee are good for your brain in a few different ways such as:

Better Mood

Caffeine can put you in a better mood because it works directly with the feel-good neurotransmitters and chemicals in your brain.

It boosts your serotonin levels to help you feel happy. While also boosting your norepinephrine to make you feel more alert and energetic. And the dopamine boost you get from coffee activates your senses of pleasure and reward.

Sharpened Alertness

Caffeine helps your brain become more sharp and alert by preventing adenosine from affecting you. Adenosine is one of the chemicals that make you feel sleepy.

To find out how else coffee boosts your brain power, check out a recent post about coffee’s role in neurological health

2. Blueberries

Blueberries are full of antioxidants that can help keep your brain from aging while also helping to improve your memory. This is because antioxidants fight against inflammation, degeneration, and oxidative stress.

Additionally, many of the antioxidants that are in blueberries will accumulate in the brain in order to make the communication between your brain cells better.

3. Broccoli

Not only is broccoli full of antioxidants, it’s full of vitamin K too! Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps your brain create a type of fat called sphingolipids that makes up a large majority of the brain cells.

Some studies have even shown that people with diets high in vitamin K have better memories and overall cognitive function.

4. Bone Broth

Bone broth is one of the most overlooked superfoods. Consuming it has tons of benefits like:

  • Boosting the immune system

  • Improving joint functionality and health

  • Ridding you of food allergies

  • Lowering inflammation in the intestines

Healthcare providers often prescribe bone broth because it helps to heal your body from the inside out. This includes supporting optimal brain health.

The amino acids found in bone broth are actually known to improve memory! And the best part is that it's easy and affordable to make at home.

5. Egg Yolks

If you are one of the many people who has only eaten egg whites, you're missing out on the many nutrients that are found in the yolks.

Egg yolks contain choline, a substance that helps brain development in fetuses. But this food helps adults too. It contains Vitamin B-12, which can help protect your brain from memory loss and Alzheimer's disease.

Of course, as always, I recommend only using eggs from pasture-raised hens, as they have twice the amount of essential fatty acids and choline as conventional eggs.

6. Rosemary

Rosemary is an herb that you can use on all your favourite foods from chicken to carrots, fish, and potatoes. But how exactly does it improve your memory and brain health?

The carnosic acid found in rosemary protects your brain from neurodegeneration by defending it against free radicals. This can decrease the chances of your brain aging as you grow older, while reducing your risk of Alzheimer's disease and stroke.

As a bonus, rosemary also protects your eyesight.

7. Walnuts

Eating a few walnuts every day can improve your overall cognitive function. The reason why is that walnuts are full of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants your brain needs to improve its alertness.

One of the most powerful nutrients found in walnuts is an essential fatty acid known as DHA. It supplies vital healthy fats to your brain while reducing inflammation.

8. Turmeric

If you aren't familiar with turmeric, it's the spice that is responsible for giving curry seasonings its golden yellow colour. It is a strong antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties that benefit your brain in multiple ways.

For instance, turmeric can improve the memory in Alzheimer's patients by removing amyloid plaques from the brain. It can also contribute to the growth of new brain cells by causing a boost in brain derived neurotrophic factor.

9. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain tons of nutrients that are essential for brain health including iron, copper, zinc, and magnesium.

Iron: When your iron levels are low, you can experience brain fog.

Copper: Your brain needs copper to control its nerve signals. And if you aren't consuming enough of it, your risk of developing a neurodegenerative disorder is increased.

Zinc: Depression, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's are all neurological conditions that are linked to zinc deficiency.

Magnesium: Magnesium is required for memory and learning. And when people don't get enough of it, they often suffer from depression, migraines, and memory problems.

10. Avocados

There's a little confusion surrounding the healthiness of avocados. People often think that because they are high in fat, they are not good for you. But what's important to understand is that avocados are full of monounsaturated fats that keep your blood sugar at a healthy level.

These fruits are also rich in folate and vitamin K which can help improve your memory and concentration while preventing blood clots in the brain.

Follow Us

The best method of preventive care is to consume a healthy diet before the need for medication ever comes into the picture. And our list of memory boosting foods is a great start to a great new year!

Follow us for even more holistic approaches to brain health like exercises to keep your mind sharp and much more.

As always, I’d love to hear what you think. Drop me a line or comment below with your favourite memory boosting food. 

And if you are looking to make 2019 your year for improved brain health, consider working with me. I can devise an individualized program for you to help boost your memory, banish brain fog, and maintain (or improve) cognitive function as you age. It’s never too late to start!
