HappiHuman by Kelly Aiello Nutrition Coach & Brain Health

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Sugar Detox Guide: How to Transition to a Life Without Sugar

Do you feel like a slave to sugar?

Do your sugar cravings run your life? Have you had enough?

If transitioning to a life without sugar seems impossible, but you’re ready to hear me out, then keep reading!

I’ll show you how to experience the freedom of no longer being a slave to sugar’s carnality!

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Why quit sugar?

Sugar is toxic to both your body and brain. Moreover, it’s a major contributor to inflammation. This may not mean much to you right now, but what if I told you inflammation can be considered the root of all illnesses? Does that catch your attention?

Yes, sugar brings destruction where ever it goes. It is a major factor in diabetes. It feeds cancer cells and has been implicated in many other diseases.

We know we should stay away from sugar, but how? 

Here’s a complete guide to transitioning to a life without sugar. It also happens to be how I dropped sugar from my life.

Added sugars are completely unnecessary in our diets and are strongly linked to obesity and Type II Diabetes, as well as to dental caries; which remains a major problem for children and adults.

Professor Graham MacGregor

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It was very useful to have an update, checking in on things I needed to ensure were in my routine. The tweaking and new recipes will definitely help me keep on task. The coaching on how to eat sensibly on the upcoming holiday is much appreciated.


—David (British Columbia)

How to detox from sugar

Remove all forms of sugar from your diet until cravings are gone

  • Prepare meals yourself

  • Choose whole foods without labels

  • Eat from the rainbow

  • Keep meals simple

  • Plan ahead

  • Ask for restaurant modifications

Let me elaborate.

For the first two weeks after deciding to kick sugar from your life, avoid all forms of sugar until all sugar cravings are gone, and your mood has stabilized.

This includes refined white sugar, sugar alcohols, coconut sugar, artificial sweeteners, high-sugar content fruits, and heavy starches like bread, grains and rice that convert to sugar when eaten. From the neck down, your body cannot tell the difference between various forms of sugars!

For this reason, all starches, fruit sugars and processed foods are metabolized the same way in your body - whether it’s a piece of sweet fruit, a can of soda, a donut, a piece of white bread or a potato. They are all converted to simple sugars, raise blood sugar levels and call upon insulin release to bring blood sugar levels back to a manageable state.

I know it may sound impossible, but I found the best way to avoid sugars and heavy starches was to choose only whole foods. That means spending most of your time shopping around the perimeter of the grocery store - where all the fresh vegetables, fruit, and meat are, and less time (if any) in the grocery store aisles - at least initially. This is the best way to avoid boxed, canned, packaged, and processed foods with additives, sugars, and hidden sources of starch.

Eat food without labels

If a food does not need a label, like fruits and vegetables, then it’s generally safe. You can trust it’s in its whole natural state and contains vital nutrients, minerals and vitamins, and live enzymes that all work synergistically to fuel the body. 

It may be helpful to shop with colour in mind. Eating foods from all colours of the rainbow provides your body with vital minerals, phytonutrients, and flavonoids for optimal health and immune function. I only buy whole, unrefined foods and have developed a good relationship with my butcher. I know he cares about the quality of the meat he brings in as much as I do.

All of this has actually helped me become a better cook. By starting with quality, nutrient-dense foods, no sauces or added flavours are needed to make them taste great. Starting with fresh ingredients is also a great way to control what you eat and, more importantly, what you don’t!

If I do buy anything in a package or can, I make sure I read the label first to avoid hidden sources of sugar. So, yes, it’s essential to learn how to read labels

Don’t just grab something that you think is healthy - read the ingredient list and learn to spot what names sugar is disguised as. Please be aware that sugar is used in most prepared and packaged foods, even those that appear healthy.

Learn to cook at home and plan ahead. Make sure you know what you will make for dinner each night, and take your meat out of the freezer the night before. Better yet, plan a weekly menu on the weekend, gather up ingredients and be ready for the week. This can also be a great teaching tool for your kids - let them help with the weekly menu planning, shopping, and food prep. They will be more invested and interested in eating this way if they are part of the process. 

Knowing what you will make ahead of time is the best way to avoid the “there’s nothing to eat so let’s grab takeout” trap.

Preparing healthy snacks to bring to work or send to school with the kiddos is also a great idea. This will ease the temptation to grab any goodies that may be lurking around. Try nuts, nut butter, jerky (sugar-free), hard-boiled eggs, or leftovers. Once you’ve kicked your sugar habit, you can add fruit and the occasional naturally-sweetened treat to that list.

Please keep it simple. If you start with good whole foods, you shouldn’t need sauces or packaged products to create flavour. Grill or cook a piece of protein and a variety of vegetables with simple seasonings and healthy fats. 

It takes much less time than you’d think! In fact, most of our meals take about 30 minutes to prepare and cook from start to finish - which is less time than it takes to order and receive a pizza. Think about that.

Sugar withdrawal 

The initial withdrawal stage will last anywhere from 2-4 weeks for most people. During this time, be extra vigilant and prepared for what may happen, as sugar cravings and urges may be strong. 

Do your best to power through, and do not give in! Challenge yourself to stick with it; before you know it, you will have conquered your cravings!

Also, prepare yourself for any unwanted side effects that may arise.

One of the most common symptoms of sugar withdrawal is a headache. Plan ahead by having plenty of water on hand and ensuring you drink lots of it! In fact, even increasing your water consumption by one glass can also help the body with the detoxification process. 

You may also want to wait to go through this initial detox phase when things in your life are relatively calm. Try to minimize stress, get as much sleep as you can, and make an effort to relax and be gentle with yourself. A detox of any kind can be challenging at the best of times, so don’t plan to start around the holidays, during a move or other major life change, or when your job demands are higher than normal.

What may also help is to not eat out during your initial withdrawal stage. Please stick to the guidelines above about starting with fresh, whole foods, and preparing them simply yourself. 

There are two other great benefits of doing so. You will start to nourish your body, and your taste buds will begin to adapt to life without sweets.

Did you know that refined white sugar is more insidious than you may have thought initially? Why? Not only is sugar full of empty calories, but it robs your body of vital nutrients at the same time! [quote]

After this initial 2-4 week period, and you have kicked your sugar addition, you can expand your earring choices and may even want to eat out from time to time.

If you go out, don’t hesitate to ask for modifications. Tell your server you are avoiding sugar - they may have some suggestions for you. Or don’t be afraid to create your own meal that is not on the menu. 

Ask for a piece of simply grilled protein like chicken, fish or steak, served with vegetables and or a salad with olive oil and fresh lemon or balsamic vinegar on the side. It may be hard at first but skip the breaded or deep-fried offerings, sauces, and dips, including ketchup.

Tips to curb sugar cravings

Now that you are committed to kicking the sugar habit, here are some tips to help curb cravings during the initial withdrawal stage and beyond:

  • Eat more healthy fats - Make avocados, extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, grass-fed butter, or tallow your best friends. These fats will boost the flavour of meals, keep you satiated longer, and ward off cravings!

  • Drink something cold - When sugar cravings hit, try drinking cold water (with or without electrolytes), unsweetened iced tea, or cold brew. The cold sensation in your mouth can calm your cravings down.

  • Ramp up the protein - Have lean protein snacks handy and ready to grab when cravings hit. Cooked chicken (it’s even good cold), a handful of nuts and seeds, or some almond butter on celery are great options.

  • Take a walk - when hit with sugar cravings, take your mind off the urge by hitting the gym or going for a brisk walk. Enjoy the scenery and breathe the fresh air in deeply.

  • Relax - Enjoy a hot bath, try dry skin brushing before your morning shower, and meditate for a few minutes each day to be kind to your body. Make an effort to get more rest and relax while detoxifying from sugar so your body can better handle any toxins that may be released.

  • Acknowledge what is happening - Should you get moody, a little anxious, depressed, have increased cravings, get a headache, or have trouble sleeping, know these are positive signs! Your body is recalibrating itself and adjusting to regulating its own neurotransmitters again - which is a good thing!

The good news is that these symptoms won’t last forever! And the even better news is that once they subside, you can celebrate knowing you have kicked your sugar addiction and are free!

Life-affirming whole foods to the rescue

Now, please don’t think that giving up your favourite foods, as I did, means there will be no more pleasure in eating. In fact, I find that now I actually enjoy food more

Quality organic foods taste as food should. They are packed with flavour, vitamins, minerals, and all the enzymes needed to digest that particular food. The closer the food is to its natural state, the better it is for you. 

You may not realize it, but food also has energy. Food that has been cared for and nurtured in a healthy environment will be life-affirming. 

For me, the most challenging part was the first two weeks - when cravings were at their worst. To help you reach your defining moment when you realize you are no longer a slave to sugar, I suggest being very strict for at least a few weeks or a month to let your body adjust to life without sugar. 

Commit to fully kicking the addiction to experience the freedom and health benefits. Then, if you wish, you can slowly reintroduce fruit and more natural sweeteners. This is when you can also start experimenting with baking in the kitchen. There are tons of great recipes out there for the occasional sweet treat - including right here on my blog!

You made it!

Once you have kicked the sugar habit, cravings have stopped, and you realize you are no longer a slave to sugar, take the time to enjoy this new-found freedom!

Celebrate you! 

Reward yourself with a massage, a shopping trip, or that new book you’ve wanted. And please realize that rewards do not have to be food-based, as most of us grew up believing. 

Now, you are ready to start transitioning to a more sustainable plan. Feel free to add fruit and natural sweeteners back into your life. Just try to limit high sugar-content fruits and vegetables. 

These include: bananas, sweet cherries, dates, figs, grapes, jackfruit, lychee, mango, pomegranate, prune, raisins, beets, yellow corn, and Jerusalem artichokes.

This is not to say you cannot enjoy these foods, as they contain nutritional value like all whole foods. Remember that humans evolved as hunter-gatherers, eating mostly meat and vegetables. Fruits are natural foods, but humans ate them only occasionally, in season, and in small amounts. So even though a food may be natural, if eaten in large quantities, it may not be the best for you.

You can also slowly add in more natural forms of sweetener like raw honey, whole dates, pure maple syrup, molasses, and unsweetened apple sauce for the occasional treat. Consume them once in a while, use organic forms when possible, and know that though these options contain some nutrients, they are still refined to some degree.

As you move forward in your new sugar-free life, do your best to stick to my initial suggestions. Eat whole foods full of every colour, prepare most meals at home, and avoid most forms of sugar, refined, processed, and packaged non-foods. 

Your health and well-being are worth it! 

Take it from a former sugar junkie! 

I have never felt better… I am calmer, feel more relaxed, and most significantly, I don’t miss the cakes and cookies I grew up on. I can walk through any grocery store and see my former-favourite chocolate bars sitting there and not even give them a second glance. This concept is still baffling to me, and I feel like a completely different person! In fact, I AM a completely different person. I had no idea the extent to which sugar was altering my mind and body, especially my moods, sleep patterns and cravings. 

Quitting sugar was one of the best decisions I’ve made!

If I could do it, you can too!  

If you’d like help kicking sugar to the curb, there’s no better time than now. Contact me today to get started! 

As always, I welcome your thoughts and value your feedback. Let me know what you think by dropping me a line or commenting below.

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[Medical Disclaimer]

Please consult with your doctor(s) before starting any new mental or physical health improvement program. The advice I offer is not intended to replace that of your medical practitioner. I am not a medical professional, nor am I qualified to diagnose, cure treat, or prevent disease. The advice I provide on this website is intended for a broad and diverse audience, and as such, deals with general lifestyle concepts, not specific healthcare advice. This material disclaims any liability or loss in connection with the advice expressed herein.