HappiHuman by Kelly Aiello Nutrition Coach & Brain Health

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Healthy Habits You Need To Bring Into Your Life

Are you looking to make some changes for a healthier life but don’t know where to start?

When it comes to getting into the best possible health, habits are essential. Change can be challenging, but copying the actions of healthy individuals can make it seem a lot simpler to adopt lifestyle adjustments.

An ongoing circle of sluggishness is damaging to one’s well-being. A healthier, happier you will always have energy and know-how to take care of yourself and your requirements. But what precisely does it take?

Being driven by the desire to be well and happy and to have a happy and healthy lifestyle is not a crime. It should not be considered a challenge. Trying to become a healthier version of yourself might feel like a lot of effort. However, making gradual, effective, and enjoyable changes will become a reality.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking too little water has a harmful influence on both the mind and the body. On the other hand, drinking enough water might appear to be the secret to feeling wonderful. Despite the fact that it is simple and trite, staying hydrated is a fundamental habit of healthy individuals because it works.

More water can make you feel more energized, so drink more of it. Other benefits of drinking more water can include clearer thoughts, better sleep, and hunger urges that are reduced to a minimum. Furthermore, you will flush out more toxins and obtain a beauty boost with brighter, firmer, and more radiant skin as a consequence of the process.  Aim to drink at least two litres a day, more if the weather is hot or you are involved in vigorous activity.

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Have Regular Checkups

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Often, we ignore medical professionals until something is wrong, but prevention is almost always better than needing a cure. Keep up to date with appointments with your doctor at your local medical centre, optician, dentist, etc. 

Eat Lesser Quantities But More Often

Eating less is not always the best answer. Dieting is also not always the greatest solution. You might be shocked to find that one of the habits of healthy folks is that they eat. These folks will not skip meals or eat in modest quantities.

Instead, persons in good health generally consume fair amounts of food, but the types of food they eat matter most. Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and oily fish, as well as a hearty quantity of whole grains, should all be a part of your daily meal plan. As an example, consider the advantages of eating six smaller meals rather than three large ones.

If you’d like support in knowing what best to eat for your health needs or challenges, contact us today or start with one of our recipe e-books designed to suit your lifestyle.

Healthy habits are learned in the same way as unhealthy ones—through practice. Wayne Dyer

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I tried the meal plans and was amazed at how quickly I started feeling better - more energy and less bloat! The recipes are easy to make, taste great and the ingredients are readily available at any grocery store. The recipes offer a good variety of real food and the meal plans are super easy to follow. I liked the comprehensive plan so I didn’t have to think about what to make - everything was planned out for me!

Highly recommend these meal plans for anyone who wants to feel better, have more energy and lose weight.

—Denise J. (Texas)

Find strategies to stay in shape

Anyone who wishes to maintain a healthy weight and be in excellent shape realizes the value of exercise. 

Consistency is the most important of all of the behaviours that healthy adults should practice. It is possible to make a variety of beneficial changes to your way of living without compromising your quality of life. However, if you do not keep them up to date, you will not be able to reap the rewards.

This is obviously applicable to your training in terms of content. Undertaking three brief exercise sessions per week will always be preferred and result in greater outcomes as compared to completing a heavy, hour-long weight session on Monday and doing nothing else for the rest of the week. The greater your degree of consistency, the more rapidly you will begin to see positive outcomes in your life. 

Make It Enjoyable

Is exercise something you despise? If so, you are not alone. Are you tired of eating a salad? Are you tired of striving to enhance your health in any manner? If such is the case, it will be impossible to stick to the changes you are trying to make. If you detest your new healthy lifestyle, it will be tough for you to stick with it long term. On the other hand, if something is enjoyable, you are more inclined to remain with it.

To learn more about how you can incorporate small, sustainable healthy changes to better your life, contact us today! 

As always, I welcome your thoughts and value your feedback. Let me know what you think by dropping me a line or commenting below.

If you haven’t already done so, please sign up to receive my newsletters for more information about brain health, neuronutrition, lifestyle tips, and nutritional advice. Of course, if I can help you or a loved one with your nutritional needs, make an appointment to see me today!

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[Medical Disclaimer]

Please consult with your doctor(s) before starting any new mental or physical health improvement program. The advice I offer is not intended to replace that of your medical practitioner. I am not a medical professional, nor am I qualified to diagnose, cure treat, or prevent disease. The advice I provide on this website is intended for a broad and diverse audience, and as such, deals with general lifestyle concepts, not specific healthcare advice. This material disclaims any liability or loss in connection with the advice expressed herein.