Wheat, The Whole Wheat, And Nothing But The Wheat!

Do you get irritable or moody? Do you experience brain fog or get severe food cravings? Are you tired all the time? If so, it may be time to look at what you’re eating. 

I know there’s a lot of hype in the media about gluten. How gluten is responsible for this and for that. How people are changing what they eat and seeking out gluten-free options. I’m one of those people. Let me tell you why…

I grew up eating breads, cakes and cookies like most of you. I was fine. Or so I thought. 

I’d get sick often - but then again I taught in a school. Kids get sick, colds go around. It was inevitable, right?

I got sinus, ear and throat infections from the time I was kid. I grew up experiencing them, so it stood to reason I’d always get them, wouldn’t you agree?

I’d get migraines. A lot of migraines. But then again my dad had them, my job was stressful and my life was busy. It was to be expected, no?

Every month, I’d experience the typical moodiness, irritability, abdominal pain and sleepiness that came with my “monthly visitor”. But everyone does and it’s normal. Sound familiar?

As I grew older, my weak immune system continued to throw punches. I suffered from low back pain, an inability to lose weight, osteoarthritis, and finally Graves Disease. I was resigned to the fact that I was sick, always would be, and had to take medication for the rest of my life. 

Then I quit sugar and gave up wheat - yes, on the same day! And I haven’t looked back since!

I’m living proof that someone who’s suffered their entire life can finally experience what it feels like to be genuinely healthy!

This is what I now know. Sugar is toxic and the anti-nutrient components in wheat and legumes are hard for our digestive systems to process. Gliadin, one of the culprits, is a protein found in wheat which acts like sandpaper on our intestines. Because of this, gaps are created, large undigested food particles are allowed to escape, and digestive problems, a leaky gut, and systemic inflammation can result. 

Every part of your body can be affected, as an astonishingly long list of symptoms ensue, from restless sleep, cravings, eczema, and fatigue to slow growth in children. 

The good news? 

The damage done by the anti-nutrients in grains can be reversed by a change in diet and lifestyle. Improving the function of your gut will lead to improved immunity which, in turn, leads to the ability to resist chronic disease. 

More good news? It’s never too late to start!

Just imagine a life free of migraines or sinus infections. It happened for me, and it can happen for you, too! 

If you’d like to learn more about the effect grains have on your body, would like help eliminating grains from your life like I did, or need advise on what alternatives to eat, I’m here for you.

Contact me or call to book an appointment to see how I can help you come off the wheat-wagon and regain your health.

BUYER BEWARE: Please realize that some companies have tried to capitalize on the “gluten-free” movement by offering unhealthy options, loaded with additives, preservatives, and unfavourable non-ingredients. So just because a product may be labeled gluten-free, it does not necessarily mean it’s good for you or healthy. As the consumer, it’s your job read labels and ask yourself if it’s worth it.
