HappiHuman by Kelly Aiello Nutrition Coach & Brain Health

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Simple Self-Care to Improve Your Mental Health

Self-care isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a must for maintaining your mental health. When you neglect your needs, stress builds. In some cases, it may even lead to burnout, depression, or other struggles.

By engaging is self-care, you take a moment to put yourself first. It’s a chance to rest, recharge, and recenter. By doing it regularly, your mental health often improves, making it easier to tackle challenges moving forward.

While some self-care routines are complex, you don’t have to go that route to see results. Nutrition coach Kelly Aiello outlines some simple self-care activities to improve your mental health. 

Following are some activities that can help. Start with one you can easily implement then take it from there!

Make Your Home Sparkle

While most people wouldn’t view cleaning as fun, that doesn’t mean it isn’t beneficial. Cultivating a fresh, vibrant house can help you reduce tension and negativity in your household while lowering your stress levels. If your family is arguing, use cleaning, decluttering, and letting in fresh air to make your home more positive.

There are other benefits of creating a decluttered space, as well. When your surroundings are more organized and functional, you will be less likely to misplace things and won’t struggle to find what you need. An organized environment is also more calming.

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Watch Funny Videos

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Mayo Clinic notes that a good laugh can reduce stress significantly. Since that’s the case, treat yourself to some funny videos whenever the opportunity arises. You can follow humour channels on YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok. Try not to laugh challenge videos could be a great way to start, too.

By using social media as a resource for videos, you can get that fast boost while on the go. Plus, it may make your overall feed more positive, making it harder to doom scroll by mistake.

Did you know that every thought we have releases chemicals in the brain? Negative thoughts release damaging chemicals that keep the fires burning and contribute to further anxious or depressive episodes. On the other hand, positive thoughts, including laughter, will release a different set of chemicals, like serotonin, which will help you feel better. 


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It was very useful to have an update, checking in on things I needed to ensure were in my routine. The tweaking and new recipes will definitely help me keep on task. The coaching on how to eat sensibly on the upcoming holiday is much appreciated.


—David (British Columbia)

Do a Wardrobe Refresh

A wardrobe refresh can do more than make you look good - it can work as a form of self-care, as well. Not only can it feel like a treat, but it gives you a chance to select attire that makes you look and feel fantastic.

By getting some new loungewear, you can look stylish while remaining comfortable. Plus, you’ll be ready for anything from keeping up with the kids to running errands with loungewear. It’s also excellent for relaxing, ensuring you’re comfy when you get a chance to take a break.


Try Deep Breathing

Deep breathing exercises are a classic choice when you need a quick way to relax and recenter. They’re discreet enough to do in any environment, including at work or in the car. Plus, they don’t require special equipment, making them accessible (and free!).

The lion’s breath technique and 4-7-8 breathing are excellent ways to begin. Each option is simple and only takes a few minutes to do, ensuring they’re as convenient as they are helpful.

Ditch a Bad Job

Leaving your job may seem a little drastic, but sometimes, it may be the best avenue to take. 

Quitting a job you don’t like or that is a main source of your stress, can be a form of self-care, particularly if the position is genuinely harming your wellbeing. It’s time to move on if job stress is leading to a lack of focus, irritability, or insomnia. That way, you can improve your mood all while making room for a role that’s a better fit.

Cultivate a Garden

According to The American Institute of Stress, gardening can be a form of stress relief. Along with getting you outdoors, it lets you fit in some physical activity to boost serotonin levels. Plus, tending to plants can be comforting and supports mindfulness. It may even let you cultivate a source of fresh produce. Depending on the plants you choose, gardening can become a creative outlet as you explore colour, pattern, and other facets of landscape design.

Speak to a Professional

If your mental health isn’t in a great place, speaking with a professional is always best. Nutrition coach Kelly Aiello is a great place to start! Whether you choose a counsellor, psychologist, or psychiatrist may depend on your unique needs. However, they all involve talk therapy, giving you an outlet and access to critical insights that can help you thrive.

As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (R.H.N.), Amen Clinic Certified Brain Health Coach, and Certified HeartMath Professional, Kelly Aiello specializes in neuronutrition, helping people overcome their health challenges, and improve their mental conditioning. 

She offers a variety of services designed to support your unique nutritional needs as well as strategies to help you combat stress and live the life you’ve always wanted.

If you struggle with memory or focus issues, brain fog, reduced energy, or diminished cognitive performance, inquire about her unique Neuronutrition Program to see if it’s right for you. 

Other services include HeartMath training and how you can use breath work to improve emotional resilience. If you’re not familiar with this, HeartMath uses evidence-based principles that help you reduce stress and anxiety, increase your immune response, enhance your hormonal balance, and promote positive mood states. Using HeartMath can help you replace depleting emotions like anger, anxiety, panic, frustration, depression, and impatience that can lead to burnout, illness, poor memory, and reduced performance with renewing emotions like joy, excitement, love, peace, contentment, compassion, kindness, and appreciation. Let her show you how throughout a series of 6 carefully designed sessions.

Reach out for more information today! 



In general, when we put in the effort to take care of ourselves, we start to feel better about ourselves and boost our self-esteem. There is no need to feel guilty about engaging in self-care. In fact, self-care initiatives can improve your overall mental wellness and general health.  

Do you need some support? Are you ready to begin your journey towards long-term health? If so, take a look at the services Kelly offers here

As always, we welcome your thoughts and value your feedback. Let us know your thoughts by dropping us a line or commenting below.

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[Medical Disclaimer]

Please consult with your doctor(s) before starting any new mental or physical health improvement program. The advice I offer is not intended to replace that of your medical practitioner. I am not a medical professional, nor am I qualified to diagnose, cure treat, or prevent disease. The advice I provide on this website is intended for a broad and diverse audience, and as such, deals with general lifestyle concepts, not specific healthcare advice. This material disclaims any liability or loss in connection with the advice expressed herein.