Why Detox: Part 1
You might be surprised… In PART 1 of this series, I will explain what it really means to do a nutritional detox, Who should be completing a detox program, and what you could expect during a holistic detox.
First let me start you off with the basics. A detox or cleanse is a way to help our body “clean house”. Even if we eat a “clean” diet most of the time, we are constantly bombarded by environmental pollutants, EMF, and chemicals in household cleaning agents or skin care products. All these pollutants are toxic to our cells. Thankfully, our bodies are equipped with natural mechanisms to get rid of these foreign invaders. However, should our exposure be greater than our systems can handle, toxins start to build up. If we don’t “flush out the pipes” from time to time, that toxin build-up can contribute to many types of illness.
From my Master Cleanse Protocol
“Detox” and cleansing programs vary greatly. They can be gentle and include simply adding cleansing foods and/or more water to your regime. They can consist of drinking only fresh juices. They can involve fasting, be very restrictive, or consist of a combination of these. I’ve personally done several different detoxes or cleanses - each one different in length and purpose. But regardless, I’ve gotten similar results.
Benefits I’ve experienced from a holistic cleanse:
Improved sleep
Clearer skin
Reduced headaches
Improved energy
Weight loss (a positive outcome for some, though this should not be your main objective)
Other holistic benefits (though not outwardly visible) include:
Reduction or removal of heavy metals
Regeneration of tissue cells
Removal of damaged or diseased cells
Reduced inflammation
Improved digestion
Improved ability to absorb nutrients and eliminate waste
In order to attain these positive outcomes, you should be aware that you may experience some uncomfortable effects along the way. Bear in mind, most side effects experienced are not only good, but actually healthy! In fact, symptoms like these indicate that your body is releasing toxins. That’s right, many toxins that have been stored deep in your tissues and cells are being released and (better yet) removed from your body. And who wouldn’t want that?!?
Symptoms I experienced:
The first or two day I usually feel great
About 24 hours in, a headache starts
By day 3 or 4, the headache eases
Acne (sometimes)
Light-headed and/or dizzy
A grumbling stomach or hunger pains
Moodiness and irritability
Any where from 5 to 8 days after starting, my body starts to crave food and the headache may return
Just remember that these are signs toxins are being released and eliminated! Hopefully, reminding yourself of these benefits will be motivation enough to see it through.
When should you complete a nutritional detox program?
If you experience any of these signs of toxic overload or inflammation, you can benefit from a detox:
Bad breath
Bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea
Canker sores
Difficulty concentrating
Excess weight or difficulty losing weight
Fluid retention
Food cravings
Joint pain
Puffy eyes and dark circles
Sinus congestion
Skin rashes/acne
Sleep problems
For those who have already taken steps in the right direction and eat a fairly “clean” diet, you can still benefit. We are constantly bombarded by environmental pollutants (gas fumes, EMF, airborne chemicals), toxic substances in body care products, and household/workplace chemicals. So it’s always a good time to give your liver a break!
When should you complete a nutritional detox program?
If you experience any of these signs of toxic overload or inflammation, you can benefit from a detox:
Bad breath
Bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea
Canker sores
Difficulty concentrating
Excess weight or difficulty losing weight
Fluid retention
Food cravings
Joint pain
Puffy eyes and dark circles
Sinus congestion
Skin rashes/acne
Sleep problems
For those who have already taken steps in the right direction and eat a fairly “clean” diet, you can still benefit. We are constantly bombarded by environmental pollutants (gas fumes, EMF, airborne chemicals), toxic substances in body care products, and household/workplace chemicals. So it’s always a good time to give your liver a break!
However, you should NOT detox IF…
You are sick or have an illness
You are going in for surgery
You are an athlete with a big event coming up
You are underweight
You are pregnant
Life is very stressful and busy at the moment
You CAN complete a detox program IF you are anyone else!
Nutritional Detox and pregnancy:
Planning to conceive in the near future? Complete a detox and switch to a healthier whole foods-based diet before conceiving to build up your body’s nutrient stores. This will ensure you’re body can supply baby with vital nutrients during months of rapid development. It will also sustain mom-to-be should food not sit well.
Think a healthy diet is only for moms-to-be? Think again! It’s also important Dads-to-be follow a healthy diet before trying to conceive to strengthen and nourish sperm.
Read more about the best nourishing foods before and during pregnancy on an upcoming blog.
Tune in next week for PART 2 of “Why Detox?” where I will provide helpful tips on how to come off a detox and natural foods that can help with detoxification.
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