HappiHuman by Kelly Aiello Nutrition Coach & Brain Health

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Unravelling the Complex Relationship Between Nutrition and Smoking

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How Smoking Affects Nutrition

It hinders proper nutrient absorption

In a recent medical journal entry from Food Science and Nutrition, experts discuss how toxic cigarette ingredients block nutrient absorption. One example is how it hinders vitamin D absorption, essential for bone health, potentially leading to osteoporosis.

Proper nutrient absorption is vital for maintaining and improving bodily functions, as well as neuronutrition. For instance, our post “Why You Should Care About Blood Flow to the Brain” reveals how blood flow is essential for optimal brain function. Some nutrients that support cerebral blood flow are magnesium, potassium, and omega 3, all available in daily foods like nuts, spinach, and fish. 

However, due to smoking, these nutrients may not be absorbed in adequate quantities for optimal brain function. This may be why many smokers suffer from headaches and brain fog.

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It can cause weight fluctuations

Aside from preventing effective neuronutrition, smoking can cause weight fluctuations. 

Due to the reduction of nutrients the body absorbs, a person’s metabolism can slow down. This can lead to weight gain, since insufficient calories are burned and turned into energy. As a result, a smoker can experience bouts of weight gain. Not surprisingly, this can potentially turn into obesity and contribute to the development of weight-related conditions like cardiovascular disease.

Inversely, this lack of nutrition can also induce weight loss. Since there’s a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, it cannot sustain muscle mass or essential body fat. This malnutrition weakens the immune system, making smokers more susceptible to infections and diseases.

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How to Encourage Smoking Cessation

Use nicotine replacement therapy products

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) helps cessation as it aids in gradually weaning off a smoker. Common NRT products include nicotine pouches and patches.

A nicotine pouch is placed between the lip and gum for nicotine absorption. Furthermore, ZYN’s nicotine pouches, which are among the most popular globally, are in high demand in the US market because they are discreet, smoke-free and tobacco-free. 

They offer strengths ranging from 2 mg to 6 mg, so users can tailor their experience and gently wean themselves off high nicotine intake. Meanwhile, transdermal options like Nicoderm CQ’s nicotine patches can be worn for up to 24 hours, providing convenience and a steady dose of nicotine throughout the day. They also come in different strengths, depending on personal needs. 

Additionally, since NRTs are free of toxic cigarette smoke, users can begin to repair their nutrition.

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Utilize smoking cessation medication

Another option is to utilize smoking cessation medications. They work by inhibiting a person's pleasure when smoking and reducing their cravings. Two FDA-approved medicines are Varenicline and Bupropion.

Varenicline blocks the brain from the pleasant effects of nicotine, so smokers will be discouraged from continuing their habit. The typical dosage for adults involves taking a 0.5 mg tablet daily for the first three days, twice daily on days four to seven, and then a 1 mg tablet daily on the eighth day until the end of treatment. 

On the other hand, Bupropion reduces cigarette cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with smoking cessation, like restlessness or irritability. Patients take a 150 mg tablet daily or as prescribed by their doctor. By using these medicines, smokers prevent relapsing, allowing better nutrition absorption from food to benefit the brain and body. Unlike NRTs, though, these medicines should only be taken under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

Smoking and poor nutrition go hand-in-hand. Therefore, smokers should work on quitting the habit in order to secure better nutrition for better overall health.

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[Medical Disclaimer]

Please consult with your doctor(s) before starting any new mental or physical health improvement program. The advice I offer is not intended to replace that of your medical practitioner. I am not a medical professional, nor am I qualified to diagnose, cure treat, or prevent disease. The advice I provide on this website is intended for a broad and diverse audience, and as such, deals with general lifestyle concepts, not specific healthcare advice. This material disclaims any liability or loss in connection with the advice expressed herein.