HappiHuman by Kelly Aiello Nutrition Coach & Brain Health

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A Nutritionist’s Journey: From Sickness to Genuine Health

Hi there!

If you have been following me and receiving my newsletter for a while, I’d like to say thanks! I’m glad to have you here!

If you are new to HappiHuman, welcome! 

I have been a nutritionist and blogging here for over four years now. As a result, I wanted to give my website a new, fresher look. What better time to roll out a new look than the start of a new year?

So, in this week’s feature blog, I thought it was only fitting to go back and tell you more about me… who I am, where I came from, and what brought me to where I am today. Why? Because my health journey may resonate with you. 

I started being sick and unhealthy my whole life, imagining I was destined for the same cancer diagnosis as my mom. I never thought I could turn things around. But here I am! I ended up becoming a natural nutritionist - healthier now than I’ve ever been!

So kick back, relax, and enjoy the story I’m about to tell…

My story began as an educator, following in my mother’s footsteps. I know that I was meant to teach and always will. But now, I no longer teach high school math. As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, I educate others on empowering themselves through a natural approach, using whole foods and lifestyle upgrades.

Did I always eat well and feel healthy and vibrant? No way! My life did not begin like that of a nutritionist - quite the opposite, actually.

Growing up a chronic dieter 

My life began as the polar opposite of what you’d expect from a nutritionist! 

I grew up eating a predominantly Standard American Diet rich in refined carbohydrates, loaded with white sugar, additives, and preservatives. As a result, I was overweight and chronically unwell, catching anything and everything going around. 

As my mom and sister suffered the same weight problems I did, we often went on diets together, trying pretty much anything out there. Of course, it was no surprise that we would starve, feel miserable, and deprive ourselves of anything tasty until we realized the current diet of the month wasn’t working. Thus, yo-yo dieting became the norm in our household. And the diets didn’t stop when I became an adult, either. 

What also continued into adulthood were the compounding health problems I experienced - back pain, osteoarthritis, sinus infections, headaches, thyroid issues. 

I thought this was normal for everyone and just a natural byproduct of getting older. But then again, I had also thought it was customary for all young women to grow up trying diet after diet only to gain back any weight lost in no time. We tried to follow the recommended food pyramid - predominantly low fat and high carb, but had no idea that we were actually starving our bodies and brains!

Nonetheless, dieting continued, life progressed, and illnesses continued to ravage my body. I didn’t know where else to turn.

SPOILER ALERT: I no longer think this way! In fact, being healthy and without lasting pain for so many years now has taught me, among other things, that my genes are not my destiny. Dietary choices play a more significant role in chronic illnesses than genetics. You can’t control your genes, but you can control your dietary choices.

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Sick, stressed and scared

As an overweight young adult, I was always very self-conscious and had low self-esteem. I felt alone, isolated, and incapable of doing everyday things that others took for granted, like riding on a roller coaster - or pretty much any ride at the fair. 

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I did not frequent bars or pubs, did not like to dance, and would not take risks of any kind. I feared the stares and judgement of others. I didn’t want people watching me and wouldn’t dare put myself in any situation where there was the possibility of me getting hurt. 

Throughout high school and university, I had a few close friends, but that’s it - my bubble was small. I liked it that way. This, like food, provided comfort.

Life, as I knew it at that time, was how I imagined life was always going to be. Chronic migraines, back pain, and all. At the time, I was also resigned that I’d one day end up with the same cancer diagnosis as my mom. Cancer, especially breast cancer, runs in families. I accepted that I, too, would hear the same disturbing news she had. The only question marks in my mind were when it would happen and what type it would be.

Moving on

In the late ’90s, I moved from my birthplace in Winnipeg, Manitoba, to Ottawa, Ontario, for my first teaching job. This was a big step for me and a massive leap out of my comfort zone! But I decided to take the risk and make the move.

As a first-year teacher, every course I taught was new. I created all lesson plans from scratch and put my students’ needs first. I worked long, tireless hours every day and often found myself with no time to cook nutritious meals. Fast food and pre-made meals available at the grocery store nearest became my normal. 

I chugged along until one day, almost a year after moving to Ottawa, I met Joe - the love of my life and man I eventually married. 

We were each other’s best friends and quickly became inseparable. Life was always busy for us - both perpetually tired, overworked and stressed to the max. Between busy careers, we also managed two major moves; one to Portland, Oregon, where we eventually married, then another to Kamloops, BC (where we remain today). 

As a math teacher, jobs came relatively easy regardless of where we moved. We remained busy and always on the go. 

Then, life as we knew it came to a grinding halt one spring day in 2012.

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Our lives changed forever 

Always staying active and an outdoor enthusiast, Joe went out on a training ride one Saturday morning on his newly-purchased road bike. His destination was the local ski resort(about 60 km away). I was to drive there with our dog to meet him for a coffee. If he was too tired to cycle home, he planned to ride back with me.

Unfortunately, he never made it.

About 10 minutes after his departure, I received a phone call - my phone displaying it was from an unknown caller.  Intuitively I knew something was wrong.

Joe was hit by a car, launched through the air, and landed on the left side of his head. To add insult to injury, he rolled several kilometres downhill. Bystanders heard the crush of the impact and raced to the scene where one of them spotted his “Road ID” bracelet, which contained my name and number.

I raced to the scene to find paramedics tending to him. 

He suffered a severe traumatic brain injury and returned home from the hospital, almost a week later, a completely different man.

Overnight, I went from a busy full-time teacher and wife to a caregiver.

Barely surviving

Life was rough. My entire focus revolved around Joe. Joe's needs came first, then Berkeley’s needs (our dog), my students’ needs next, and my needs last. As you can imagine, my needs were never met.

I barely slept. Stress levels were so high that I didn’t remember what it felt like to relax or take time to myself. No one was around to help, so I did it all myself. I drove Joe to endless doctor’s appointments, walked Berkeley daily, made dinner, cleaned the house, taught full-time. 

I was barely surviving and saw no immediate end. But I persevered - constantly reminding myself that the angry, irritable man writhing in pain hiding out in our cool dark basement was not my husband. I knew Joe was in that body somewhere and held on to the hope that he’d emerge once again one day. That thought kept me going. 

After months of rehab and trying many different pharmaceuticals, most only making matters worse, we knew things could not continue as they were.. So rather than giving up, we bravely decided to take the bull by the horns and figure things out ourselves, starting with a change in diet. 

I just completed a 3 month course with Kelly and it was an excellent experience! It changed the way I think about food. With her background in teaching and her expertise and love of neuronutrition and healthy eating, I was able to kick my sugar addiction and lose weight. Kelly was there to support me throughout the entire process. She made herself available to answer questions and explain food science in a way that made sense. She genuinely cares about the success of her clients. She listened carefully and was positive and encouraging. I would leave her sessions equipped with new information, recipes and helpful tips to meet the challenges ahead. She is fun and inspiring and real. For anyone wishing to take action, make changes to their diet and live a healthier life, I strongly recommend Kelly!


Food to the rescue

The discovery that the brain prefers fat for fuel shifted our focus on food. It led to Joe adopting a ketogenic eating style. Though he still has his struggles, with the help of meditation, mindfulness practices, and the right foods for him, Joe is better able to manage his symptoms. 

And for me? After switching to a predominantly Paleo approach, I am healthier and happier than I have ever been in my entire life. No more yo-yo dieting. No more migraines. No more thyroid medication. Gone are my chronic illnesses and addiction to sugar (which I didn’t know I had, let alone knew was possible).

For decades, not once did it ever occur to me that what I was putting into my body (food, the additives, preservatives and chemicals it contained, birth control pills, and antibiotics) could be contributing to my health and state of mind. It also never occurred to me that a few of the right changes could be the solution. I had no idea what it felt like to experience genuine health. Now that I have, I cannot imagine ever going back! 

Becoming a Natural Nutritionist

The discovery that food was medicine was so profound that I knew I had to share my knowledge with the world.

It became my mission to empower others and enable them to experience a richer sense of health and wellbeing, just like I did. So, I returned to school and became a natural nutritionist.

Since brain health and function is a topic near and dear to my heart and of particular interest to me, I became an Amen Clinic’s certified Brain Health Professional a short time later. Now, I assist people with general health and weight concerns and focus on conditions and disorders affecting brain health. 

Combining my love for nutrition and brain health was a natural marriage. I created a practice revolving around neuronutrition - the use of targeted foods, supplements, and lifestyle alterations to reduce depression and anxiety, slow age-related cognitive decline, and optimize brain function for those wishing to excel in the workplace or school. 

Continually inspired by the power of real food and its remarkable impact on the health of our bodies and brains, I blog about relevant topics related to health and nutrition. I also spend a lot of time in the kitchen trying new recipes to share. All recipes on happihuman are whole food-based, gluten-free and refined sugar-free. That means you can feel confident in making them for you and your family, knowing they are full of natural, nutrient-dense healthy foods.  

My mission for a healthier world

I went from being chronically unwell and malnourished to educating others on creating a healthier life for themselves. 

My secret? It all starts with the right food choices and a shift in mindset. Diets don’t work, but small, manageable changes with the proper guidance and support do. 

I now offer one-on-one nutritional counselling, small group coaching programs, and meal planning services designed to create life-long habits of choosing healthy food in others. I also offer educational services, including workshops, speaking engagements and cooking classes for families, the community, and progressive corporations. 

My ultimate goal is to educate, empower and inspire you to take an active role in the health of your body and brain to start living the life you’ve always dreamed of. I’m here to tell you that it is possible! I’m living proof of that.

You can lose weight by eating the right foods for you and forget the diet roller-coaster forever.

You can improve the health of your brain to prevent dementia and age-related cognitive decline.

You can have increased mental clarity and cognition to improve productivity and give you a competitive advantage.

You can have abundant energy and improved sleep.

Isn’t it time you felt great every day without getting constantly sick?

By choosing biologically appropriate foods and taking control over the health of your own body and brain, you can feel like yourself again - no more brain fog, extreme moods, tummy troubles, manic cravings, headaches, blood sugar imbalances, or PMS symptoms. 

If you struggle with weight issues, know the frustration that comes with trying diet after diet unsuccessfully, suffer unrelenting fatigue, experience brain fog or anxiety, have memory, digestive, hormonal or thyroid problems, or feel dependant on caffeine to get you through the day, you came to the right place!

It is within your power to change

To obtain optimal brain health, you can improve cognitive function, clarity, and memory. Plus, you can break the cycle of yo-yo dieting forever and finally reclaim control of your health and happiness.

As a natural nutritionist, my goal is to help you uncover the hidden reasons behind your health issues and provide you with practical tools to improve your life on every level. With an understanding that each one of us is unique with different biological needs, I consider all aspects of wellness, including food, stress, sleep, mindfulness, and natural supplementation, to create a personalized program tailored just for you - so that you, too, can learn what genuine health feels like as you strive to reach your highest potential.

Let me help you discover the necessary tools to improve your health, unlock your hidden potential, and discover your better, healthier and happier self!

If you have questions about my services or if you have a specific topic you would like to discuss, feel free to call my office or me or email me. Welcome to the HappiHuman community. Comment below to introduce yourself - I’m so glad you stopped by, and I  look forward to getting to know you!

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[Medical Disclaimer]

Please consult with your doctor(s) before starting any new mental or physical health improvement program. The advice I offer is not intended to replace that of your medical practitioner. I am not a medical professional, nor am I qualified to diagnose, cure treat, or prevent disease. The advice I provide on this website is intended for a broad and diverse audience, and as such, deals with general lifestyle concepts, not specific healthcare advice. This material disclaims any liability or loss in connection with the advice expressed herein.